Chapter 7: Lost

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Catra's P.O.V

"Wow that was- amazing." I said as Adora laughed. Adora looked around and then got a worried look on her face. "Catra.. where's Glimmer?"

I looked around the crowd and saw no one. "I don't know." "Come on lets go." Adora took my hand as we looked around. I saw a girl in a dress with white hair and a scorpions tail. "Adora.. did you see that?" "Ye-yeah." I took a deep breath. "We have to go after them." Adora nodded. I ran after the girl as she went up the stairs. The ground started to shake. "Catra!" "Just hold onto me. It'll be okay." Adora held onto me shaking as the ground stopped. "Hey it's okay it stopped. We're alright." Adora stopped shaking. "Thanks Catra." I nodded and continued walking. I saw the Scorpion girl and ran towards her. "Hey!" I almost grabbed her but she jumped off the ledge of where we were "whoa!" I tried to stop myself from falling but I ended up going over the edge myself.

"Catra no!" Adora screamed after me but I was already falling. I looked up and saw Adora about to jump. "No Adora!" I got my claws out and scraped them against the ice and stopped falling. "Oh shit that was close." "Whoa!!" Adora fell off the edge trying to get to me. I grabbed her hand as she was underneath me. "Catra I don't know if I can hold on any longer" "It's alright we can make it out of this."

"Catra.." I grabbed Adora's hand with a grip that I knew for sure wouldn't let her go. I let go of the wall with my hand that I had on it and then got up higher. Closer to the ledge. "We can make it."

After about 5 minutes we finally made it to the ledge. I got up on it and helped Adora up as well. "See we made it. We got it." Adora breathed deeply. A ship drove in front of us at the front of the ledge. "Catra you need to come back to the Horde. Whether you like it. Or not." Said the white haired Scorpion girl. Bow and Glimmer we laying in the ship with her. "Shit." Adora said. "You won't get away with this. I won't let you." "Oh and how do you suppose you're gonna stop me. With this?" She held up Adora's sword.

She flew the ship away as Adora and I stood in horror. "Shit. This is all my fault. I should've been keeping an eye on them." "Hey. Hey. Its okay. Its gonna be alright. I'll put everything into saving them." Adora took my hand. "Yes. We both have to."

Adora's P.O.V

"Your majesty we have to save them." "I can't let you do that Adora. If we had She-ra we might stand a chance but.." Angela took a deep breath. "As leader of the Rebellion we would go against the Horde... and as a mother.." Angela put her hand on her head. "We can get the other princesses to help." Queen Angela nodded and agreed silently and watched us go.

As we formed a plan to rescue Glimmer and Bow, Catra tried to include herself in the plan. She could come with us, but I didn't want to risk her getting hurt again. "Adora I can handle myself let me come with you." "Catra- I don't want to risk it. What if the Horde captures you? We don't know if we can rescue you and-" Catra put both her hands on my cheeks. "And what happens if you get captured? I just sit here waiting for you to come back even though you can't. Adora I'm not losing you. I'm coming." I sighed as we all headed on our way to the Fright Zone.

When we arrived, I sent everyone to do their jobs and waited to give the signal. Catra and I were left alone for now. "Catra." Catra sat with her back against the wall and looked at me. "What happens if we both get captured?" Catra went to speak but we heard a noise. "Oh I am the uh- inspector." "The inspector huh?" Oh shit thats Kyle! "We are long overdue, come on." Catra looked back at me. "Well one of us just did. Sort of. But if we get captured at least we're together." I took Catra's hand and gave it a squeeze.

"Ugh sewer water." I gave Perfuma and Entrapta the signal. "Alright nice." I said to Mermista. "Can I get a thank you?" "Thank you!" I said grabbing Mermista and pulling her inside. I walked in front of everyone else while Catra was beside me. We finally got to the doors that led towards Shadow Weaver's room. "Everyone these doors are timed so we have to be fast and stealthy. Everyone good?" Everyone nodded as we continued on. I heard the soldiers closing in on us. Mermista already gave herself up to fight them once but there was more. "You guys go. I'm gonna hold them." "What Adora no!" "Just go. I'll meet back up with you." "I'm staying with you!" "Catra go! I'll be fine." Perfuma grabbed Catra and pulled her through the door. I disabled it and turned back.

"I surrender." I said to them. They took me into Shadow Weaver's room and I saw Glimmer unconscious and I immediately started to scream and try and wake her up. "Glimmer I'm gonna get you out of here!" Shadow Weaver saw me and put me on a table with ropes to tie me down.

"Glimmer!" Shadow Weaver restrained me and held me down. "Don't worry about the Princess Adora. I am going to erase your memory of her and when I'm done, you'll be happy to have her as a prisoner." "No! You can't!" "Oh but I can. Just as I'll do with Catra when she arrives. I know she's with you. There's nowhere else she would go except to you. You will all fall at my grasp."

I miss you~catradoraWhere stories live. Discover now