Chapter 21: Prisoner

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Catra's P.O.V

As I saw that Adora had passed out I pulled Glimmer away from Adora and yelled , "We have to get her! We have to get Scorpia!" Glimmer opened her mouth to protest, but my rage was boiling to the surface and she saw that and nodded her head with a determined expression.

Glimmer teleported us right onto Scorpia's skiff as we quietly landed. Scorpia had no clue. Glimmer suddenly teleported in front of Scorpia and slyly said, "Hello there." Waving her finger as she lifted her hand up. I smiled at her as she did this motion and Scorpia was startled. The skiff started to swerve all around as Scorpia attempted to get Glimmer off.

She hadn't noticed I was on the skiff and she also didn't notice me creeping up from behind her.

I pounced on top of her as Glimmer took control of the skiff. Glimmer stopped it and turned to face Scorpia and I on the ground. "Ah, come for round two wildcat?" Scorpia asked smugly. Even while she was on the ground and outnumbered she still thought she had the upper hand. What a mistake.

"No." I replied and sat up. "Just this." I said as I punched a confused looking Scorpia in the face. She was knocked out cold after one punch and I gave Glimmer a thumbs up and she drove the skiff back to Bright Moon. As soon as Glimmer and I had gotten back Glimmer teleported to wherever she had first brought Adora and then to her rune-stone to "recharge" as she would say.

I was met with Bow and the other princesses at the front of the castle.

"Hey do you need any help?" Bow asked being his normal helpful and nice self. "Sure. Thanks Bow." "No problem." He replied smiling at me as he walked towards the skiff with Scorpia on it. Bow and I carried Scorpia into the.. guest room without any cushions and held her there with guards outside and the doors and windows locked.

I ran upstairs to find Glimmer as I ran into her in one hallway. "Where's Adora?" I asked worriedly. "She's down the hall the second door on the right. She's still passed out but she should be awake soon. She was only grazed by Scorpia's tail. She might be feeling a little woozy when she gets up. If you aren't there I doubt she'll listen to anyone." I nodded at Glimmer and before I could stop myself I was.. hugging her? What? Why? Stop it. No!

"Thank you." The words slipped out of my mouth without me even realizing. Glimmer was taken aback also but she hugged me back. "It's no problem Catra. I know how much she means to you." I stepped back and nodded at her as I started to make my way down the hallway.

I counted the first door and softly opened the door to the second door on the right. Just like Glimmer had said there was Adora. Sleeping peacefully. She was curled up in a little ball tangled with a few blankets. When I saw her I didn't even realize it but I had been smiling like an idiot the whole time. Thank God you're okay. I thought to myself.

I sat next to Adora, stroking her cheek with my thumb. "What could I do without you?" I asked not wanting an answer. She looked so peaceful. So content. Whenever I looked at her she made me feel so safe. She made me feel like everything was okay, no matter what.

"You know I understand your whole act with Scorpia now. You could have been seriously hurt. Its a good thing you're quick." I said smiling slightly. I saw her move slightly as she rested her cheek against my hand. I saw a smile slightly spread across her face.

"Hey Adora." I said softly, smirking at her.

Adora opened her eyes and sat up, instantly hugging me. "Thank God you're alright." She said into my shoulder. I leaned back and laughed at her. "Me?" I asked. Adora smiled and shrugged.

"Well yeah. I'm sorry I worry. I can't help it." I put my hand on her cheek once more saying, "I'm fine." I leaned it and grazed Adora's lips slightly. She smiled and just looked at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked. "Like what?" She questioned back. "Like that." I reasoned. Adora wipes the smile off her face which made me laugh. Once I started to laugh that smile was right back on her face. She stretched and quickly asked.

"Is everyone else okay?" I shrugged. "Yeah we're fine. You didn't really miss anything." After Glimmer came back down from putting you up here I told her we had to get Scorpia. I wasn't sure how but I knew we had to, so we teleported onto her skiff and we took her in. We messed with her a bit first. Oh and we have a skiff now."

Adora's mouth laid wide open. "Scorpia? Here? Wait a minute. You and Glimmer went to go and capture her on your own?"

I nodded in response to Adora's question. I could already tell what was coming. "You could have gotten hurt! Catra, we agreed that we wouldn't go off on our own anymore." "Well you did. Now we're even." I reasoned with her. She got an aggravated look on her face.

"I had She-ra it was different." I too began to grow aggravated. "She-ra doesn't make a difference. You were still hurt. It doesn't matter. No alone ever with Scorpia." Adora nodded saying, "It's dangerous." At the same time I did. I couldn't keep my frustrated expression as it softened as Adora got up to hug me.

"Where is she now?" Adora asked whilst still hugging me. "Scorpia?" Adora nodded. "She's downstairs in the guest room. Glimmer and Bow took out the cushions so it's apparently the prison." Adora laughed but once again grew serious.

"So it's official then?" She asked me. "What is?" "We have a prisoner." I nodded at her. "Yes. And we aren't letting her go after what happened today. She won't hurt ever again."

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