Chapter 22: Interrogation

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Adora's P.O.V

"When can we talk to her?" I asked Catra after a few minutes of her cuddling with me.

She seemed to really enjoy it so when I had started bringing up Scorpia she had a sour expression.

"Talk to Scorpia? Why would you want to do that?" Catra asked as she sat up and looked down to me.

"I want to know why she did what she did. If she felt bad at all. Why she is the way she is." I responded with a determined expression. Catra scoffed and laid back down as she chuckled into my arm. "Adora, why do you like over analyzing so much?" She asked as she slightly looked up at me.

I scoffed at her as I realized the question. "I do not." I replied and crossed my arms as she smiled at me. She tilted her head as her eyebrows twitched at me.

"Okay maybe a little." I replied smiling at Catra and she nodded her head.

"I just want to know why she's like the way she is. If there's a real reason." Catra tilted her head from side to side. "Yeah that makes sense." She replied as she got up. Not being able to feel her warmth next to me anymore made me feel really, really cold so I decided to get up and started to look for my jacket.

I turned and looked around for it all over the place but it was nowhere to be seen. "Hey Catra, have you seen-" my question was cut off by Catra's lips pressing into mine. She had surprised me. I felt her smirk through the kiss.

My eyes were still wide open, but I eventually closed them as she pressed further into me. She leaned back as I stupidly looked at her, finishing my question. "My.. um jacket?" Catra pulled my jacket out from behind her back and smirked at me. She dangled it in front of me. I went to grab it as Catra laughed at me.

"Not so fast." She said to me slowly backing away. "If you really want it, you're gonna have to.." She didn't finish her sentence. I took a step forward. "What?" I asked. As soon as the word left my mouth Catra quickly spit out the words, "catch me!" racing down the hallway. I laughed to myself and ran down the hallway trying to catch up to Catra.

I slid across the floor as I was still in my socks and didn't have shoes on. I could hear Catra's laugh in front of me.

"Catra!" I yelled after her as I heard her cackling. As I rounded a corner I saw her turn another. I'm catching up. I thought as I smirked at the idea. I started to try and run faster and slide too, which had helped me go faster. Eventually we were in front of the room Scorpia was in and Catra and I were breathing heavily outside the door. Catra handed me my jacket and smiled as we both caught our breath.

"Okay. We go in here together. We can do this together. Alright?" I said to Catra as I finally caught my breath. Catra and I both let out deep sighs as we opened the doors to Scorpia's room.

"Hello!" Scorpia greeted with a big smile. Is she okay? I put my hand up and waved a bit while Catra stood still. "I only came here to ask you a few questions. I need to understand, you." I replied as Scorpia quickly said, "Shoot." In response to me asking questions.

"Why do you come after Catra and I specifically? Is there a reason?" As soon as the words had left my mouth Scorpia's filled the air. "Shadow Weaver told me to. Specifically me. There's no other reason. First she wanted to me the try and capture you but clearly I couldn't do now she orders me to go for you specifically."

I looked towards Catra. Her confused expression was most likely the same one that was on my face. Why is she answering these questions like it's nothing?

"And you didn't feel bad hurting Catra? Hurting me?" Scorpia shrugged and looked down at her feet. "I, I don't know honestly. I don't know if I've ever felt 'bad'." She air quoted on the word bad. Did she not know proper emotions?

"Why do you listen to Shadow Weaver?" Catra asked stepping forward. "The Horde is all I know. The only family I have. The only people that accept me. You princess types are always so quick to judge people who are different. With Shadow Weaver she doesn't care. She treats me like a normal soldier. Maybe even better." I saw Catra gritting her teeth as she exhaled.

"She treats you well?" I asked as Scorpia looked up at me. Scorpia looked down for a moment. There was something off in her posture now. "Yeah she treats me like any other soldier." Scorpia replied, still not looking up from her feet.

She was lying. I could tell. I had been in her position before. I could tell she was lying.

"Why are you doing this?" I asked. Scorpia opened her mouth to speak but no words came out. "Do you even know?" I asked following up.

Scorpia looked up at me with her eyes looking like they were about to let tears out any minute. She shook her head no and then looked back down.

There was something wrong. "That's all for now." I said grabbing Catra's hand and leading her out of the room. "There's something up with her." Catra said as we closed the door. I nodded, agreeing to Catra's statement. "We have to figure out what it is." I said to Catra. She nodded and started to stroke her chin.

"Something happened with Shadow Weaver. Why else would she lie?" Catra replied looking up at me.

I agreed with her. Something definitely had happened. What, we had no idea. But at the time we had no idea what kind of stuff Scorpia really had to go through.

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