Chapter 3: Rebellion

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Catra's P.O.V

When I woke up I felt the sun on my face and warmth engulfing me. But that couldn't be so, Adora wasn't here. But, I opened my eyes and she was wrapped around me, fast asleep. I realized then that I had stayed the night at a Princesses castle. What the hell am I doing? I heard Adora make a noise as she woke up and saw that she was around me. She quickly moved away as she thought i was uncomfortable. But I missed her warmth already.

"Catra, you okay?" "Yeah of course I'm okay. I just abandoned everything I know for you but yeah I'm fine." Adora scratched her head and was about to say something when the door opened. "Hey Adora how'd you-" A bright pink princess almost blinded me as she walked inside Adora's room. "Horde Soldier!" She started running towards us but Adora got in front of me. "Glimmer it's okay. This is Catra." I waved and then stepped further behind Adora. "Why is she here?" "Listen Glitter-" "Glimmer." "Yeah whatever. I came here last night because I wanted to talk to Adora. And then I ended up falling asleep here. I was just leaving."

I stood up to leave but Adora got up as well. "Catra wait!" Adora grabbed my hand and squeezed. "Glimmer please. Let her stay." Glimmer took a deep breath and stared at me silently. I could feel the judgement. "Fine." I felt relief spread through my body. Thank god. The princess walked out of the room and left Adora and I to ourselves again. "Thanks." "Catra I told you I wouldn't let you leave. I'm not abandoning you ever again." I smiled and heard myself purring but quickly recovered. Adora laughed and said, "C'mon lets go meet the Queen." "Queen!?" I started to protest but with Adora's death grip, she dragged me out the door.

No one's P.O.V

As Adora walked down the hall with Catra in hand she made her way towards the table that Glimmer and Bow sat at. "Hey guys!" Bow's face changed to shock but he looked at Glimmer for reassurance and she waved it off. "Hey Adora. Who is this?" "Oh this is Catra. She's my uh-" Adora wasn't able to finish her sentence as Queen Angela walked into the room and furiously questioned the pair. "Who is this!" "Mom it's fine it's just-" "What is the meaning of this Adora?" "Your majesty this is my um-" "Catra. I'm Catra. It's an honor to meet you your majesty." Catra saved Adora's lousy excuse by butting in and trying to reassure the Queen that she was no threat.

The Queen was caught off guard. "Oh well- the pleasure is all mine Catra." Catra walked back towards Adora as she stood in shock over how Catra had handled the situation with such ease. "Very well then Commander Glimmer. What is it that you wanted to discuss?" Glimmer stood with her hands on the table facing her mother. "Well I wanted to ask if we could take that mission of going to Plumeria to deliver supplies? We have She-ra now and another soldier. Don't you think we'd be prepared?" The Queen stood and walked in circles. Her hand on her chin. "I suppose." Glimmer teleported to her mother saying, "Thanks mom you won't regret it!" Kissing her cheek and teleporting away. "But no fighting Glimmer." "Alright everyone lets go!"

Adora's P.O.V

"How long is this gonna take?" Catra asked. "We should be there soon." Now replied. I heard Catra sigh as she walked next to me. I can't believe she risked everything for me. Why would she even come to talk to me? She seemed upset. Catra bumped into me as we walked and laughed to herself. "Hey you okay?" She asked me. "Yeah I'm fine." She glanced at me and then looked back at the path we were walking. "Adora. I know you. C'mon tell what's going on." I took a deep breath. "I just can't wrap my mind around how you came to talk to me last night. Or why. I just don't understand why you would want to." Catra continued walking but hesitated at first. "I came because I don't know if I would have been able to survive in the Horde without you. I thought Shadow Weaver would kill me. Also I don't know if you felt this but I don't know if I would've been able to sleep."

I glanced at Catra as she walked ahead of me after saying that. "I did. That's weird." Catra stopped walking for a minute to let me catch up to her. "Hey are you two coming?" Glimmer called. "Yes!" I yelled back. "Come on. Let's go." I started to walk faster as Catra was behind me.

~~20 minutes later~~

"Hey we're here." I stepped away for a minute and took out my sword. "Uh Adora what are you-" "For the Honor of Grayskull!" I felt myself turn into She-ra and as I did Catra stood in awe in front of me. "Whoa." She said staring at me. "Like what you see?" Catra clearer her throat and turned away saying. "Come on let's go." As Catra started walking I followed behind her and entered Plumeria.

"Oh my it's- it's.. it's." A small princess approached me praising me saying, "The She-ra!" I was engulfed with gifts and food and.. a baby? What is going on?

Catra's P.O.V

As soon as we entered the village Adora was surrounded by a lot of people. Why are they so interested with her? Well she does look different. Well a good different. "Alright everyone. Give her some space!" Glitter said as Bow spoke to some of the smaller children in the village. I didn't know what to do with myself. I stood leaned against a poll and watched. "You can go first." Glitter said. A small girl walked towards Adora with some sort of instrument as Bow told the kids a story of how 'She-ra' had fought the Horde with a toothbrush. Out of everything that was happening the only thing that really stood out to me was the smoke that was rising from the distance. I approached Bow and told him about it and when he looked to see he looked worried.

"Glimmer? We may have a problem." Bow walked over to the Princess and told her about the smoke as we all made the conclusion that it was bad. "We need to do something." Adora stated. I nodded in agreement but the ruler of the village disagreed. "We? This is my power. I make plants. We are a peaceful union and we are waiting for nature to right itself." I stepped in saying, "Right itself? The Horde might be poisoning your land and you're just going to sit here and let it happen?" Adora put her hand on my shoulder smiling. "What Catra means to say is you need to stick up for yourselves." Adora dropped her sword and she turned into herself again. Everyone gasped. I guess that was why she had turned into the princess.

"She's just a girl." Someone said. "So what if she's only a girl? Isn't that what we all are? We're all just people. And she's the only one that's trying to help other people that can clearly help themselves. At least she's trying." I could feel Adora looking at me and smiling. I knew what she was going to tease me about later. Damnit. Well you're welcome princess. Everyone walked away as Adora looked at the rest of us three that remained. "I have a plan."

A.N-So apologies for the long chapter but I thought some might enjoy it. Let me know if you did and I'll be updating with the next chapter soon.

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