Chapter 11: Promise

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Adora's P.O.V

A door opened behind us. "Let's just get this over with." Catra said crossing her arms. Younger Catra started to jump across platforms and swing from wires as the younger me tried to catch up. "What's it like being the world's slowest person?" We started to laugh and chase after each other. "Whoa!" "It's open." Catra said. "We are definitely not allowed in there." I replied. We both looked at each other and started laughing. I looked at Catra. "You don't have to go in there." Catra ignored me and started to walk ahead of me.

We both walked in and watched the memory we both hadn't forgot. "Whoa!" Catra said. "Wow." I said back. We were both in Shadow Weavers chambers. Catra yelped as she touched the crystal. "Maybe we should get out of here." I said. Both of us heard Shadow Weaver groaning and started to look for a place to hide. We both hid behind the crystal as Shadow Weaver approached it. She took her mask off.

I still remember the horror that I felt when I saw Shadow Weaver's face. Catra and I both gasped as she looked at us. "Get out!" Catra and I both tried to run out but Shadow Weaver got Catra with her magic. "Catra, you stay. What do you think you're doing in here?" Shadow Weaver turned Catra around as Catra spoke. "We were just playing." "Insolent child." I saw my younger self boil in anger as I was at the same time.

"I've come to expect such disgraceful behavior from you. But I will not allow you to drag Adora down as well." "Shadow Weaver, it wasn't her fault. It was all my idea." I tried to explain but Shadow Weaver wouldn't listen. "You have never been anything more then a nuisance to me." I stepped in front of Catra. "Stop! It wasn't her. It was me. I'm not always as perfect as you may-" "No!" Shadow Weaver threw my younger self to the wall and kept Catra in her grasp as she watched in horror. "I've kept you around this long because Adora was fond of you. But now you are both being pains. If anything like this happens again, I will dispose of both of you myself. Do you understand?" I ran in front of Catra again. "Stop!"

Shadow Weaver groaned and walked towards her crystal as Catra was still in her grip. She was shaking. "Do not let something like this happen again." Shadow Weaver went to put her hand on my head but I flinched and she stopped. Catra fell once she was out of Shadow Weavers grip. Both Catra and I walked out of the chambers as I helped Catra up.

I had my arm around Catra as we faded from the memory. "You okay?" Catra nodded. "Yeah I'm alright. We just need to get out of here. I don't want to think about Shadow Weaver and what she did. To both of us." I nodded. The lights went out for a minute and there were four spiders. I went to grab my sword, but the spiders hit it with their webs. "Run Catra." Catra nodded and began to run down a hall as I fought off the spiders.

Catra's P.O.V

I ran across a bridge and started to swipe at the holograms of Adora and I and Shadow Weaver. "Let. Me. Out. Of. Here!" I fell to the ground and heard my younger self crying. I looked up and turned to see myself crying under a blanket as Adora started to walk towards me. "Catra?" Adora day next to me as I hissed. "Catra, it's okay. It's just me. It doesn't matter what they do to us. You know? You look out for me. And I look out for you. Nothing really bad can happen as long as we have each other." "You promise?" I said at the same time as my younger self. "I promise." Said a voice from behind me. I turned around and saw Adora.

Adora smiled and took my hand as we began to walk out. We got ambushed by spiders on the way out. Adora had dropped her sword and fallen down over an edge. I took out four of the spiders that Adora couldn't help with. It took me a few minutes but I finally got all of them. I looked over the edge and Adora was hanging on by some webs. "Hey Adora." I said to her. She smirked. "Come on Catra don't do this." "Aw do what Adora? You're gonna admit you're the one that likes me. It's not the other way around." Adora sighed and took one of her hands off the part she was hanging onto. "Yes." I grabbed the webs and pulled Adora up. She still only hung on with one hand.

Once she was up she took her other hand out from behind her back. Her fingers were crossed. She laughed. "Like I would let you in me over that easy." I ran after Adora as we both started fall on the ground laughing. We were both on our backs next to each other. "You know... this could have been worse." I said. "How so?" Adora replied looking at me. "Well this wasn't as bad as I was making it out to be." Adora turned on her side and faced me. "It's all about the adventure." I rolled me eyes. "Whatever you say princess." Adora sighed and got up. "Alright then kitten. Let's get out of here." Adora held her hand out to help me up. "Kitten huh?" I asked while she helped me up. "That's a new one."

"Well I have to make up new things to say and do. How else can I keep up with you?" I tilted my head from side to side. "Well you are the slowest person I know." Adora laughed and started walking in front of me. "Sure." I started to laugh as we walked and made our way out of the First One's ruin.

A.N.- So I realized that my writing hasn't been as good throughout this and I want to try and go more into detail while explaining anything that is happening in the story thanks for reading 😊

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