Chapter 8: Escape

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Catra's P.O.V

"Everyone. We need to find out where Bow, Glimmer and Adora are. Anyone have any ideas?" Everyone remained still as I knew then that I had to think.

"Hello? Hello? It is Seahawk I've found Bow. Kyle led me right to him. Come meet at the prison cells." I motioned for the princesses after me. Hopefully Bow knows where Adora and Glimmer are.

We ran and ran until we made it to the holding cells where Seahawk was. "Hi Bow! We're here to save you!" Seahawk yelled when we arrived. "Ugh." I said rubbing my head. I saw Seahawk throw Kyle and attend to Bow's cell. I decided to try and step in before anything became more chaotic. "Seahawk! What the hell are you doing?" "Saving Bow. What does it look like?" "Alright. Bow do you know where Glimmer and Adora are?" "Kyle said somewhere near Shadow Weavers quarters. But not exactly in there. Theres like this-" "I know." I replied. Adora. I'm on my way.

Adora's P.O.V

"You won't get away with this. The rebellion won't allow it. Even if I'm brain washed. They will win." Shadow Weaver laughed to herself. "Win? The rebellion? They haven't improved at all ever since I walked with them as Light Spinner. They have only lost territory and people. They will fall. Just like you." "No!" Shadow Weaver laughed again walking away towards the Black Crystal gaining more energy for the fight that would occur. But it doesn't matter. I won't care. I won't remember. Anything. I won't remember the rebellion or the sword or She-ra. Or or- or Catra. Princess Prom. Our dance. I was broke from my thoughts when I heard coughing.

"Glimmer?" Glimmer kept coughing and then finally quieted herself. "I'm okay Adora. What are- what are you doing here? You shouldn't be here. What are you here Adora! I was the one to be captured. We were dancing and then I can't remember after that. What happened Adora!?" I sighed. "Glimmer... we came here to rescue you." Glimmer shook her head. "Who came?" "Me, the princesses, and Seahawk." "What about Catra?" I looked at Glimmer and and titled my head. Shes here but I can't say she is. Shadow Weaver will kill her. Cmon Glimmer. Know what I'm trying to say. "She's uh- she's at Bright Moon. I didn't want her to come. I thought she'd get hurt." I widened my eyes as Glimmers mouth was open but she nodded with understanding. "And now here you are." Shadow Weaver started to come back towards us.

"Alone. With no help. You think those princesses know where to go? They don't know the Fright Zone like you do. You will lose Adora." I felt tears start to roll down my cheeks as I gritted my teeth. "No." Shadow Weaver had her back facing towards us, but turned when I spoke. "No? And why would you not lose Adora? Because you think you still have hope? Aw that's sweet. You actually believe in the princesses?" Shadow Weaver began to laugh once again. This was the most emotion I had ever heard come from her.

"No." I heard a voice from across the room. "She believes in me. In all of us." Catra. "This is over." Catra took my sword out from behind her, aiming it at Shadow Weaver. "I'm ending this Shadow Weaver." Shadow Weaver was surprised at first but then she started to laugh. "You? You have been nothing but a disappointment in the Horde. Nothing has changed." Catra scoffed at her. "You're forgetting one thing. I've met people. Who care for me. That changes a lot."

Catra ran towards Shadow Weaver with her arm outstretched with the sword in hand. Shadow Weaver got Catra's way quickly. Catra snarled at her. While Catra was fighting with Shadow Weaver the other princesses, Seahawk and Bow started to make their way towards Glimmer and I. Bow quietly got Glimmer out of the red lighting and they all started to release me from the ties I was in. "Ugh!" I heard Catra scream. When I was released I turned to look at her and she was rubbing her head. I screamed and ran to her, staying in front of her so Shadow Weaver would have to go through me.

"Adora?" Catra looked up at me and saw Shadow Weaver coming towards us. "Catch!" Catra quickly threw the sword at me and I caught it saying, "for the honor of Grayskull!" Shadow Weaver stumbled back at the light as Catra stayed behind me. Shadow Weaver screamed and cast shadows towards me. I was thrown to the wall and hit my head. I screamed in pain as I fell to the floor. I was barely conscious. I felt my eyes barely staying open. "Catra.." I heard Catra screaming in anger. Don't get hurt. Everything went black.

Catra's P.O.V

Adora. No. I screamed and started to run towards Shadow Weaver. "Why did you do that!" I scratched her mask and she stumbled back. I jumped onto a ledge in the shadows waiting for her to face in my direction again. "Your perfect little soldier." I jumped down and kicked her face. "Your shining star." I punched her mask now as she was on the ground. I was standing over her. "Well she isn't just something for you to play around with anymore. Neither of us are. You need to understand that. And let us go." I kicked her mask as it started to crack. "You deserve this. All those years of hurting us. Hurting me and Adora. You should never have taken us in. You're an unfit guardian and leader. And he rebellion will rise. And you. Will. Fail."

I punched Shadow Weaver right in the center of her mask as it crack down the middle. She held it in place, screaming. "No!!!" I walked away and went to Adora. She was breathing but she was unconscious. I took her sword and held onto it as she transformed to herself again. She opened her eyes and looked up at me. "Catra? Are you-" I smiled and put my hand on her cheek. "I'm alright. Its okay. Let's go home."

I miss you~catradoraWhere stories live. Discover now