Chapter 17: Together

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Adora's P.O.V

When I woke up I found myself tangled with Catra. All of the blankets were on the floor and it was light outside.

I opened my eyes and saw that Catra's face was buried in my chest. She looked so peaceful. I could hear her purring slightly. I felt myself smile at her as I looked around my room and I saw the sun shining through my window. I looked around to the mirror and saw that Catra and I were in the reflection.

I heard Catra's breathing grow faster as her face moved in my chest. I heard her breath deeply as her eyes opened. "You're staring." She said smiling. "I'm not staring. Just observing." Catra chuckled. "It's creepy." She said sitting up.

Catra got up off of the bed and left my room and the door open. I didn't want to get up out of bed but after a few minutes I got myself up and went to get my clothes. As I finished getting my pants on Catra came back through the door with her normal outfit on.

"Hey Adora~." Catra said smirking at me. I scoffed at her. "You hungry?" Catra smiled and replied, "Yeah sure." I walked to the doorway Catra was leaning against and walked past her grabbing her hand as we walked down the hallway to the kitchen.

"Hey ladies!" Bow greeted us. He had an apron and a chefs hat that he somehow found and smiled at us. Glimmer walked into the kitchen and had pancake batter all over her hands. Catra and I laughed as Glimmer shrugged and smiled.

"Are you guys hungry?" Glimmer asked us while she wiped her hands on Bow's apron. Cara and I both nodded. Catra walked over to the table as I asked, "You guys need any help?" Bow looked over at Glimmer saying, "Well Glimmer is the best cook" Bow motioned to her messy ness smiling "obviously."

I laughed at Bow as I sat down with Catra. "So what are we going to do today?" Catra asked as I sat down. "Well the Horde has been coming after us lately. They've been trying to capture Princess Entrapta's castle. We have to go over there and check if everything is okay." We all nodded as Bow passed out plates to us.

"Sit down Glimmer." Bow motioned to a chair as Glimmer sat down and deeply exhaled and took off her own apron.

Bow passed her a plate and put a plate where he was going to sit. He grabbed the plate of pancakes and put them in the middle of the table. Catra and I had never really had real food before but Glimmer and Bow has given me pancakes before Catra was here.

I grabbed a pancake and put it on my plate and poured to syrup on it. I watched Catra grab a pancake and flop it onto her plate. I saw her face was twisted into a confused stare. She grabbed the pancake with both of her hands and she took a little bite.

Her eyes dilated as she took another bite and Glimmer and Bow laughed. "Catra you can use this." I said pushing the syrup to her. She poured a little on her plate and dipped her pancake in it and ate a little of her pancake.

"Oh my god. Why did no one eat this in the Fright Zone?" I laughed at Catra's kiddish behavior as she ate her whole pancake. "The last time we ever had something like this it was for your birthday when I stole that cupcake for you." I smiled at the memory.

(No one's P.O.V)
"No one even remembered." Adora whispered to herself as she sat on her and Catra's bunk. Catra was peaking at Adora from the doorframe. Catra frowned at Adora crying.

Catra slowly crept her way into the kitchen and waited for the chef to leave. Her ears twitched as she heard his footsteps leave and she peaked just over the counter and saw there were cupcakes on the other side of the counter. Catra ran to the other side and grabbed a cupcake and ran to Adora's room. Catra grabbed the card that she had made from her back pocket and walked to Adora.

"Hey Adora." Catra said as she sat down with Adora. Adora looked up at her. And half smiled. "I made this for you." Catra handed her card to Adora as Adora smiled. "Catra you.. remembered?" Catra smiled back at her and replied, "Of course. Happy Birthday."

The card Catra had made with Adora was a drawing of the two of them in a field of flowers holding hands. With a big blue sky and 12 written above them. "That's where we can go some day. We can both get out of here and be together." Adora smiled and wiped her tears and opened the card. 'Happy Birthday Adora. I didn't forget. I won't ever forget. Love, Catra.' Adora smiled and pulled Catra into a hug. Catra pulled away and smiled at Adora.

"I also.. got you something." Catra pulled out the cupcake she had taken and handed it to Adora. "Catra! Did you get in trouble?" Adora asked. "No I snuck it out. Come on and eat it so we don't get caught." Adora took the cupcake and unwrapped it and broke it in two and gave the other piece to Catra.
"What are you doing?" Catra asked.

"You deserve it. Here, we can share." Catra smiled and grabbed the other half of the cupcake and ate it with Adora. "Hey! Who took one of my cupcakes!" Catra and Adora laughed and shoved the whole thing in each of their mouths and smiled. Thanking whatever was out there that they had each other.

~End Flashback~

Adora's P.O.V

"Yeah that was a really good day." Catra smiled and re-said what was on the card. "My how the times have changed huh?" I laughed at her and shoved her playfully as we continued eating our pancakes.

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