Chapter 35: Breakfast

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Adora's P.O.V

"Damnit Kyle!" Catra whisper yelled at him. He looked at us and gave us a sorry look. He was rubbing his left arm with his hand as he place the food on the counter.

"What exactly were you planning to eat?" Catra asked him.

He went towards the counter and started to take the pans he had and put them off to the sides of one another. He pulled out flour and chocolate chips.

"I just wanted to make breakfast for everyone." He said looking down at his shoes.

I quickly grabbed Catra's hand to get her to look at me. When she did I gave her a softened expression. She understood and softened hers as well.

"Do you know what you're doing?" I asked him. He quickly looked up at the sound of my voice. "Well, sort of. I remember.." he had trailed off. He looked up at me almost asking permission if he could continue.

Catra and I nodded as he said, "In the Fright Zone, Rogelio and I would sneak off into the kitchen and steal extra ration bars. One time I was in there earlier then he was and saw how they made them. I think I could make uh... those um.." "Pancakes." Catra said to him.

He smiled at her and nodded. I stood up and said, "Well maybe we can help you." Kyle nodded as his cheeks grew a bit red. We had both seen Glimmer and Bow make them once, so we thought we could make them.

By the time we had finished making the pancakes, the moons began to rise as Catra, Kyle and I were covered in the batter. Kyle had been quiet but I saw a side of him I never knew. We barely saw each other really. He was always quiet. I guess that's what him and Rogelio had in common.

Catra ran into the closet and grabbed some syrup and strawberries and placed them on the pancakes.

I set up 8 spaces, one with an extra plate and... utensils? Thats what Glimmer had called them. The extra plate was for Angela. Catra and I hadn't been sure she would want to join us.

Once we had placed everything we figured we would wake the others up. "Do I smell pancakes?" Glimmer's voice said out of nowhere. She had teleported into the kitchen along with Bow. They were both smiling as they were hand in hand.

"Yes we made them for everyone. Including your mom, if she wants to have some too?" Kyle half said and half asked. Glimmer nodded and teleported away as we all went upstairs to go wake up Scorpia, Lonnie and Rogelio.

When we got up there all three were awake. When Rogelio had caught sight of Kyle it looked as though a wave of relief flushed over him. He quickly went to Kyle, engulfing him in a hug and kissing his cheeks. Kyle was smiling and was bright red.

Scorpia walked over to us saying, "Hey guys. So he was with you? Rogelio was worried about him." Catra looked over to Rogelio and Kyle still not separated from one another. "Yeah I can see that." Catra said to Scorpia as she looked back at her. "Lonnie woke up first and said she smelled something. I wasn't sure what it was or if someone was burning something. Was it you guys." I grabbed Catra's hand and nodded saying, "Kyle was down there trying to make breakfast for you guys by himself."

Scorpia gave Catra and I a confused look. "What's breakfast?" Catra and I both looked at each other. "Why don't we go find out?" Catra said as she motioned for Scorpia and the others to follow us.

Catra led the way to the kitchen still holding onto my hand tightly as she smiled and laughed, pointing towards the door. Just like when we were kids.

As we arrived we met Glimmer and Bow in the kitchen with Queen Angela. We all greeted her with smiles on our faces. "She hasn't eaten a proper meal in forever." Glimmer said and smiled as she sat down next to her mother and Bow. Catra sat next to me and Lonnie. While Scorpia, Rogelio and Kyle day across from us.

"I felt as though I could get to know everyone also." Angela state's smiling at us.

We each grabbed a pancake and some strawberries to eat. "So how are you adjusting?" Angela asked addressing the four new members of Bright Moon.

"Well Kyle seemed to find his way around the castle well enough." Lonnie said. "Oh?" Angela asked looking towards Catra and I. "Kyle came down here earlier to make breakfast for all of us. We found him and came to help."

"Well that explains why it's actually good." Lonnie said laughing. Rogelio playfully punched Lonnie's shoulder and laughed with her.

The Queen eased herself and sat back in her chair. We each took a few more pancakes. We had finished all that we made. We joked and laughed about what we had done back in the Fright Zone.

How we used to take Kyle's ration bars and our own. "The grey kind is better." He would say to us. We would save them for celebrations. We never had birthdays. Only I did. We had celebrated it on the day that I had first come to the Fright Zone. Catra has tried to remember her own. She always said the day she could recall the most was October 28th. A few days before Halloween she would say.

That was her favorite holiday. The Horde would sometimes be scarier then it already was. She remembered that she would scare Lonnie the most. Lonnie hates it but Catra said that it was the best times she had in the Fright Zone.

"Oh my god.. Catra.." Lonnie has said one time when I was helping her. "Is that a.. mouse!" Lonnie screamed and Catra looked down at my hand in a sock Lonnie and I had decorated to look like a mouse. Catra screamed and jumped up so high she had almost cling to the roof.

With her claws, she had stuck to the wall right near the ceiling. I still teased her sometimes with it. She always fell for it. It was always funny.

Lonnie laughed with me as we tried it out on Catra again. She jumped up from her chair and into my lap. She quickly relaxed as she remembered. She pushed my nose away from her as I laughed at her.

"I miss Halloween." Catra had said. "Well it is the 14th.." Glimmer said smiling. We all looked at each other. "This will be the best Halloween you guys have ever had." Bow said to us smiling with a twinkle in his eye.

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