Chapter 4: Plumeria

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Adora's P.O.V

"Alright. Are we ready?" Glimmer Catra and Bow all nodded as we walked towards the soldiers that had just done their shift change. We walked into a building they had been guarding and saw that there was a device poisoning their land. "You were right Catra." Catra smiled smugly saying, "When am I not?" Glimmer and Bow both facepalmed as we tried to break it. "Hey!" A soldier walked into the building and pointed a taser at us. I tried to remember the last password we had used and blurted something but I didn't even know what. "We haven't used that password in ages." Shit. "Run!" We all ran in different directions as I pulled out my sword "For the Honor of Grayskull!" I swung my sword and soldiers flew to the walls.

"Adora!" I heard Catra call my name but I couldn't see her. "Don't move." I heard a soldier talking as well. Come on Catra where are you? I heard whimpering from nearby and as I turned around the corner and I saw Catra corned by three Horde soldiers. "Catra!" The soldiers turned to face me. I grabbed all three of them and threw them in the air. "Catra are you alright?" She coughed and shook her head. "Yeah I'm okay." "Catra.." "Adora I'm fine." I looked around and I saw the princess from Plumeria and some of her people fighting the Horde as well. I picked up Catra and walked into the woods. I lowered her to the ground gently and sat her up against a tree.

"Adora I said I'm fine." I shook my head and put my sword transforming back to myself again. "Catra come on. What happened?" "They just tased me it's fine." She tried to get up but she stumbled and fell again. "Come on let me help you." Catra huffed but she reluctantly let me help her. We walked to where everything had started.

"Bow! Is that you?" "Yeah over here Adora!" I walked towards Bow and Glimmer as Glimmer was teleporting around and fighting the Horde. "Adora! Thank god you're okay I thought you got hurt." I looked at Catra but I chose not to say anything. "Retreat!" The Horde soldiers ran away back towards the Fright Zone as Glimmer, Catra, Bow and I walked to where the princess was. "I'm sorry we treated you the way we did. We should have listened. Sometimes peace isn't always the way to do things. Thank you for helping us." I nodded at Princess Perfuma and walked away into the woods once again.

We walked for a while before Glimmer noticed that Catra wasn't walking on her own. "Is she okay Adora?" "She got tased by three soldiers. She'll be okay but she's hurt now." Glimmer nodded and continued walking. "I'm sorry we didn't help Catra." Catra smiled. "Thanks Sparkles. But I'm okay." Glimmer laughed as she walked next to Catra and I.

~~30 minutes later~~

Catra's P.O.V

As soon as we got back to the Castle Adora let me down on her bed. I started coughing but I stopped myself before it became a fit. Adora looked at me with a worried look but I looked away before she stared at me any longer. "So how are you feeling?" She asked me. "I'm alright princess." Adora scoffed "Don't call me that." She turned but I could see her smile in the mirror. "So how'd you like Plumeria?" I tilted my head. "It was alright." "Just alright?" Adora turned and smiled. "What are you getting at?" Adora laughed to herself. "Oh nothing." She turned around and started messing with something on her vanity.

I got up off the bed and snuck my way towards her. As she was about to turn back around I pinned her back against the wall. "Catra! What are you-" "Oh nothing." I said with a smirk. "Now tell me." Adora gulped but then smiled. "What'd you think of She-ra today?" Adora slanted her eyebrows. I swallowed hard as my throat became dry. I chuckled but I was quickly stopped as Adora turned me around and put my back against the wall in one swift motion. "What's wrong Catra? Cat got your tongue?" I swallowed once again and went to speak but no words came out. "Oh come on Catra. What'd you think of She-ra? It was your first real look."

"I think she's very pretty." Adora smiled. "Oh pretty huh?" Adora's leg went in between mine. I bit my lip trying to breathe through my nose. "That all?" Adora asked. "Hot." I replied. Adora stopped. "You looked hot. Not as hot as you look right now." I smirked as Adora's mouth laid open. She was still pinning my arms against the wall. Adora smiled back at me after recovering and started to lean towards me slowly. Is this really about to happen? Ever since we were kids I've been trying to make it obvious. Has it finally worked? Adoras lips were mere inches away from mine.

"Hey guys I just wanted to check up on- OH MY GOD!" Adora quickly moved away from me with a crimson face as I tried to maintain my laughter.


As soon as Glimmer left I couldn't hold it back any longer. I started laughing uncontrollably and I ended up on the floor rolling. Adora couldn't keep the smile from showing on her face. "Oh my god." Adora said with her hand on her forehead. I sighed and wiped the tear that was forming in one of my eyes. "That was so embarrassing." I laughed again. "What are you talking about. That was great." Adora rubbed her head. Taking a deep breath. "Okay it was kinda funny." I laughed again. I nodded and went to go sit back down on the bed. I sighed. Even though that might have been funny, I didn't get to kiss her. Damnit.

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