Chapter 6: The Dance

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Catra's P.O.V

When we arrived at the ball we were greeted by Frosta. "Please enjoy the ball." We all bowed as Glimmer walked with Adora and I. "Is that Bow? Damnit, he's making inside jokes with Perfuma now? That's supposed to be our thing." Adora put her hand on Glimmers shoulder. "It's fine. He's probably on his way over here now." Glimmer nodded and smiled thanking Adora.

"Oh hey guys! I was just talking to Perfuma about that crazy robot outbreak at Entrapta's. How Adora went kinda nuts." I chuckled to myself. "Yeah that was pretty funny." How started laughing and punched my shoulder playfully. "Well I'm gonna go check out the food. Anyone else?" Adora asked. I smiled at her as everyone started to laugh. "Sure I'll go with you." I replied leaving Bow, Glimmer and Princess Perfuma to themselves.

As I caught up with Adora she introduced me to all of the food on the table. "Why is it so tiny?" I asked. Adora shrugged saying, "I think it's just a princess thing." I laughed as Adora started stuffing her mouth full of tiny food. "Well hi!" A voice said behind us. "Oh hi Entrapta." Adora said. "Are you here for the social experiment too?" "Huh?" I said in confusion. "Different social groups interact. This 'ball' is full of social data to collect!" Entrapta laughed hysterically and then faced the food changing the subject to that. "They have tiny food!" Entrapta grabbed something food and shoved it in her mouth just like Adora had.

Adora looked over in Glimmers direction, tapped my shoulder and said, "Hey I'm gonna go check on Glimmer. I'll be back in a few minutes." I nodded and watched Adora go. I sighed taking in her figure. Her dress was so beautiful. Her smooth pail shoulders spilling out from the openings in the back of her dress. She looked amazing. I turned around to talk to Entrapta but she had vanished. Of course. I walked up the stairs to a platform overlooking all of the dance floor. From there I could see Bow and Glimmer and Perfuma in a circle talking and laughing.

No sign of Adora. I looked over the whole floor and I couldn't see Adora. Where the hell are you Princess? I started to get worried. I felt my breath hitch in my throat. She left. Or got captured? Oh no. Shes in trouble I have to save her. I've got to find her first but oh my god where- I looked over the dance floor once again and saw Princess Frosta talking to someone. But whoever it was, was getting blocked by a pillar. I walked towards the stairs to get a better look and I saw Adora talking to Frosta. I let out a deep breath.

"Aha!" "Ah!" I turned around and saw Entrapta hanging over the side of the railing. "That was so much data. All from one person. Thank you." "Wait wha- what do you mean?" Entrapta smiled. "Your change in emotion was so quick. First so undoubtedly in lust, then worried beyond- we'll beyond anything I've ever seen, and then the relief that flushed over you was.. exquisite. May I ask what it was that you were looking at? To test my experiment further?" I felt my mouth fall open. "What er what are you talking about?"

"Oh the data of course!" I scratched my head. "It was nothing." Entrapta put her mask on and looked in Adora's direction. "Oh was it Adora!" Shit. I didn't say anything. I couldn't. I couldn't even speak. "It was! Oh but I don't understand why such anxiousness and love and-" Entrapta gasped. "Do you have feelings for her! That explains everything! How she manipulated your feelings in a matter of seconds!" I finally found my voice again. "What- what no- no that's not- thats not it." "Oh this is stupendous! I have to write this down!" Entrapta laughed hysterically and crazily and almost flew down the stairs with her hair acting as legs and arms that I never quite understood and I'm not sure I ever will.

"Hey Catra. What were you talking to Entrapta about?" I laughed. "Nothing. Just the data she was going to collect here." "Mhm. Sure." Adora smiled. "Now starts the first dance of the ball. Find a partner for the dance." I looked at Adora as she had a worried face. I took her hand and led her down the stairs. "What? Catra no!" "What's the matter Princess? Don't know how to dance?" "I- I." I laughed "Don't worry. I'll help you along the way." Adora took a deep breath and smiled as we made our way down the stairs.

Adora's P.O.V

As Catra and I had both our hands linked we began to dance. I stepped on Catra's feet a few times as we made our way along the rotation everyone was going along to. Then everyone switched partners and I realized we did too. Catra let go of my hand and waved goodbye to me. Its like she has this affect on me. She has control almost. This is so weird.

"How's the dance with Catra been going?" Glimmer said. Oh so she's my partner now. "What is that supposed to mean?" Glimmer smiled. "Oh come on Adora you know exactly what I mean." I laughed. "It's going good Glimmer thanks for asking." Glimmer scoffed "fine. But you have to talk to me about this later." "Sure thing Glimmer." We switched partners once again and now Perfuma was my partner. "How have things with Bow been?" Perfuma smiled. "They've been great. Although I haven't seen him in a while." "Hmm. I'll see of Glimmer knows where he is." Perfuma nodded as we switched partners again.

"Hey Glimmer you don't know where Bow is do you?" Glimmer shook her head. "He's not with Perfuma?" "She said she hasn't seen him." "I'll go look for him. He's probably just grabbing something warm. He said he was cold." I nodded as we switched partners again.

"Why hello Princess. We meet again." "Catra.. don't call me that." "Or what?" Catra dipped me as the song we were dancing to began to end. "Or this." I pulled Catra to me and this time no one interrupted. Catra's lips pressed against mine. Her eyes were wide open. Her cheeks were as red as my dress was. Slowly she closed her eyes as I did too as we passionately kissed. There were cheers throughout the crowd and laughter. Catra got up with me as we stopped kissing. Catra smiled at me as I looked at her. Her cheeks were the reddest I had ever seen them.

I looked around to find Glimmer but she was nowhere to be seen. That's strange.

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