Chapter 10: When We Were Younger

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Adora's P.O.V

"Catra where are we?" Catra got off of me, helping me up saying, "The Fright Zone." Catra walked away and went to go look around. "Hey guard!" "Uh hello?" Catra started to laugh and then yelled my name. "Hey Adora! This isn't real! Adora? Adora?" She started to sound panicked. "Catra?" I turned around to see Catra. But not the Catra that I knew right now. It was Catra as a kid.

"Adora!" The younger Catra started to run towards me. I braced myself for impact, but she ran right through me. I turned around again to see where she was running and saw myself as a little kid too. I was checking Catra's nose. "Hey Adora. There's uh—" "Shh." I pointed to our little selves and Catra began to stare in awe as well.

Little Catra began to speak again. "Does it look broken to you?" "It's not broken. You're fine." Little Catra began to touch her nose and then screamed. "I'm bleeding!" "You're not bleeding! Why would you try and pick a fight with Octavia anyway?" "I didn't do anything. All I did was exist near her. And scratch her on the eyeball. And call her a dumb-face." "Catra—" "What? She has a dumb face." I started to laugh at the memory. I never forgot how dramatic Catra used to be. "Where is she?" Little Catra took little me's hand and led me to Octavia. "Hey Octavia!" I yelled. "Huh?" "You're a dumb face!" Catra smiled at me as Octavia yelled at us.

She started to run towards us as Catra said, "She's coming!" While laughing to me. "Run!" I yelled back. I started to laugh as we ran into a hall and lost her. The hall transformed around us into a colorful hallway instead. Catra and I had almost gotten sucked into the memory. We were still holding hands. I smiled at Catra as she let go of my hand trying to hide the smile slowly spreading on her face.

"What was that?" "It must have been some kind of simulation. It's tapping into our memories. Why, I have no idea." "This place is so weird. How are we gonna deal with all this magic stuff?" "I have no idea. We have to deal with it so I can figure out what She-ra does. And the sword." "Yeah I guess. Come on let's keep going." We began to start walking again when a question popped into my head. "Can I ask you something?" Catra smiled. "Can I stop you?" No.

"Why did you risk getting hurt fighting Shadow Weaver? You didn't have to do that. You could've had one of the princesses do it or asked for help. It's the one thing I can't figure out. You could've gotten hurt. Why risk it? Whoa, whoa, whoa!" I almost fell in a pit that we were crossing over but Catra turned and caught me by my arm. "You really think I would let them do all of it. She hurt you. And me." Catra lifted me up from the ledge. "She deserved getting hit from me. From both of us." Catra turned around and rubbed her tail against my hand as she walked.

"It wasn't all bad growing up in the Fright Zone, was it? I mean, you still have some good memories, right?" I looked at Catra. "Of course I do. But it doesn't change the fact that what the Horde is doing is wrong. I don't think we had a choice. We couldn't go back." Catra looked down for a moment. "Hey I missed you too." "Wha— pff i didn't miss you. Get over yourself." I started to laugh as she shoved me playfully. "Not until you admit you like me." "I don't like you." I laughed as I gave Catra a noogie and she pushed me. I suddenly fell threw a wall and I was at the training center in the Fright Zone. The floor beneath us was red.

"Oh come on. Not this again." Catra put her hand to her head. A now more grown up version of Catra ran through her with the sticks we practiced with as kids. Catra and I began to fight with the sticks. Both of us equally fighting until Catra put her finger on my head. I narrowed my eyes as she began to laugh. I got the upper hand and she fell to the ground. "Ow!" I ran over to her asking, "You okay?" Catra smirked and hit my feet with the stick making me fall down. She tried to hit me but I moved out of the way. Catra and I started to push against each other's sticks and then I noticed Lonnie behind her and smiled. Lonnie hit her. Lonnie and Catra fought as I caught my breath.

Lonnie got out from Catra but I got Catra out. I helped Catra up. "Hey, you were awesome. Did I hurt you?" "No I'm fine. You're just lucky I let you win." "Right." "I'm serious. If I came in first, people might actually expect me to start doing stuff. Second place suits me just fine." "Come on let's go cool down." "In a minute. I'll meet you there." "Hey guys, wait up!" I ran to Lonnie Rogelio and Kyle and started to talk to them.

Catra's P.O.V

I started to walk away from Adora and go to the lockers and go to the sink. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks. I looked up in the mirror and saw myself. My present self. I quickly wiped my eyes and backed away from the mirror. I heard the hologram begin to speak again. I saw spider eyes in the mirror now. "Ah!" "Catra? Catra!" Adora walked into the room and saw me covered in the spider webs that surrounded me. "Madowa!" I couldn't say her name clearly because of the webs blocking my mouth. Adora tried to grab my hand but she couldn't hold onto it. "Catra!" Adora started to bang on the mirror that I was dragged through but she couldn't get through.

I started to scream again and I couldn't even get a clear scream out. I started to cry again and I got my claws out and ripped the webs off of me. I jumped onto the spider and ripped it apart. Adora jumped onto it with her sword and killed it for sure. "Are you okay?" She asked getting webs off my shoulder. "Yeah. I had it you know." "Sure you did. We need to make sure we stay together." "Can you just stop telling me what to do?" "Catra, what's wrong?" "Nothing. I'm just sick of this place. Let's get out of here." I started to jump across the platforms in front of us. "Catra. What is it? I was trying to save you!" I let out a breath. "I know. I'm sorry. I just. This place and our memories. It's a lot." Adora jumped to me. "It's alright." She put her hand on my shoulder. "We'll get out of here. Come on."

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