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Adora's P.O.V

A few years have passed now. Catra and I are still happily married with two kids. Mia and Angela. We named our second daughter after the Queen. Catra had insisted on doing so.

Bow and Glimmer had gotten married and just had a beautiful baby girl that the had named Sparkles. Catra was very happy with their name choice. Glimmer had specifically named her daughter after Catra's nickname for her.

As for Queen Angela, she had reunited with King Micah, courtesy of Entrapta. While Entrapta missed our wedding she went to Beast Island to go get more tech and data and ran into a short man with black hair and a beard. She brought him back to Bright Moon once he had said he had knowledge of it. Then Angela ran to him to give him a hug. He had been there on Glimmer's wedding day. Walking her down the aisle.

Scorpia is her normal happy and carefree self. She has never been better. Ever since she had talked to Catra about Shadow Weaver and what had happened she seemed more open to sharing her feelings. Since she had been open she also shared her feelings for Princess Perfuma. They are both happily together and are the cutest couple.

Lonnie is training to become a better fighter in the Crimson Waste. She comes to visit sometimes with her 'friend' Huntara. They had been training together and essentially ruled the Crimson Waste. While Lonnie insists they are friends Catra and I think otherwise.

Rogelio and Kyle are together still. They have not gotten married although they have a son named Roelle. They decided they would try to have their son carry both of their names in one. Catra and I had thought about doing that also but the only morph we could come up with was Catradora. Stupid name. Roelle is 2 years old now. They have been talking about whether or not to get married but they weren't sure when the right time would be. They still don't. They'll figure it out.

Mermista is with Seahawk finally. They are officially dating now that Mermista has finally let Seahawk out a label on their relationship. They often set sail at the seas and visit as much as they can. They come by for holidays and Birthdays. Even more then that.

Frosta is still ruling her Kingdom but she is now more carefree then she used to be. Scorpia brings out her fun side along with Bow and Seahawk. She throws more balls and parties at her kingdom.

And lastly Mia is now 5 years old. She grasped the idea of speaking after a while and Catra rejoiced once she had. She would run around and play with her. Catra had never been happier. We have never been happier. All three of us. Then I pulled a fast one on Catra and decided to ask Glimmer for help considering Catra always talks to Angela. I got help and gave birth to a beautiful girl. She is two now and is crawling around. She has brown hair and blue eyes. She has that same one tooth smile I had when I was a kid.

Catra is the best person I could ask for to spend my life with. She has helped me through pregnancy and I helped her through hers as well. We both love each other and we show it.. a lot. I couldn't ask for anyone better then her. To spend the rest of my life with. Forever.

A.N.~ If you did enjoy this story, I garuntee you'll like my other catradora story titles, After, it's my take on what could have happen after season five. Thank you for all the support on this one and thank you for reading 😘

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