Chapter 15: The Date

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Catra's P.O.V

Well shit. Adora and I both walked into our "date" not knowing exactly what we were going to be getting into but holy shit. The room was full of blue lights and a disco ball and one table with two chairs facing each other. Bow was over by one of those "DJ stations" or whatever they're called. I know there was one at Princess Prom.

And those lights they were almost like the ones at the Prom too. I could see Glimmer behind a counter doing.. whatever she was doing. I turned towards Adora and her face just summed all my words into one expression. She looked confused out of her damn mind. Bow looked over to us and sprinted over to Glimmer and tapped on her shoulder and pointed at us. I felt Adora's hand grip mine tighter when the pair approached us. I could tell she was nervous.

"Hey guys!" Bow exclaimed once he was near us. Adora waved at him with her free hand as I jerked my head in his direction. This whole situation is just awkward as hell. If it was just Adora and I the way it had been in the Fright Zone, neither of us would be this uncomfortable. Feel this out of place. "Well as you can see we set everything up for you guys so, right this way." Glimmer told Adora and I.

The way the pair just watched us and motioned us was like they were robots. Adora and I both sat down letting go of each other's hand. I could tell she was as uncomfortable as I was by the way she sat twiddling her thumbs in her lap.

"Well we can get you the food and put on some music to make you feel more relaxed. You two can just talk until we're ready." Glimmer replied to our silence. I then realized that Adora and I hadn't said a word the whole time we had been in the room.

As Glimmer and Bow scooted away I looked up at Adora as she still played with her thumbs and bounced her knees under the table. A habit she had had ever since she was a little kid. Even sometimes while she was trying to sleep or when she already was asleep. Sometimes she even kicked me by accident and woke me up.

I reached over to her side of the table and tried to get her attention. "Hey Adora? You okay?" Adora almost twitched when I said her name and looked up at me. I could see her smile warmly when she saw my concerned face. "Yeah I'm okay." I then realized i was still stretched over the table. I sat back in my chair and took a breath while scooting myself closer to the table.

"So you're nervous huh?" I asked her. Adora's eyes widened. "What? No! Why would I be nervous? I'm fine!" Adora's pitchy tone confirmed just how nervous she was and I covered a growing smile on my face with my hand. "Okay. Okay!" I said with my hands up laughing. Adora smiled again and put her elbows on the table, resting her chin on the palms of her hands.

I shook my head just at the fact that even after everything she was still just a kid. We both were. We never really had the chance to grow up. "What?" Adora questioned while I smiled at her. "Oh nothing. You're just adorable." Adora removed her head from her hands and fake laughed at my pun. "Catra c'mon. You're kitten me right?" Before I could even stop myself I smacked my head with the palm of my hand. "Ow." I softly said to myself. Adora laughed as I removed my hand from my head and smiled tilting my head.

For a while Adora and I forgot about everything that was going on around us and just laughed at each other with our horrible sense of humor. Neither of us had a care in the world for that time. All that mattered was the sound of our laughter together. Adora's smile. Those moments the only thing that mattered to me was her. But sadly those moments never last.

"Your dinner is served ladies." Bow interrupted placing dishes on the table in front of us. "I hope you enjoy it. I'm pretty sure Glimmer worked really hard on it but she isn't the best cook so if you don't like it I understand you." Bow explained giving us both peace signs. Adora looked at each other and laughed.

Looking at what he had brought us it just looked like red strings and brown balls. When I thought about it in my head it sounded weird so I decided not to say what I thought it looked like.

Adora made a weird face and starting playing with it. "Adora." I said snapping her out of playing with her food. She laughed and grabbed the three finger tool that Bow had given us and started to wrap the strings around it. It seemed to stay on the tool so I tried it as well and it worked for me too.

Adora and I counted down and took a bite. Each of us looked at each other and at first didn't know what to make of it. But once it hit us we loved it. Adora and I almost swallowed the plate after our first bite and finished after maybe 5 minutes. Adora burped and I pretended to be disgusted but I burped louder then her a few seconds later. Bow later came back and started to speak again. "Okay so how are we- woah!" Bow looked at our now clean plates and then looked back at us. "You actually liked it?" Adora and I both shook our heads.

I stood up and grabbed Adora's plate on top of mine. "Thank you Bow. Give our compliments to Glimmer." Bow's mouth stayed wide open but he shut it and nodded while he took away our plates. After a few minutes Bow and Glimmer came back to our table.

"So now that you've both eaten, I think the next part of this date would be dancing." I looked at Adora and she looked terrified. "Glimmer we can't really dance that well. We only knew how to at Princess Prom because everyone was doing the same thing. Even then we were terrible."

Glimmer laughed at Adora's words and then motioned for us to watch. Glimmer and Bow went hand in hand and just glided across the floor together. I nodded to the beat of the music and saw that they were dancing in time with the music.

Glimmer and Bow started to become fancy with their moves and then stopped. "It's okay. Its your first time dancing. It won't be perfect but you both have no idea what you're doing so there's that." Bow chimes in. I sighed and turned towards Adora.

"Well you ready to try?" Adora backed away for a minute but I reassured her saying, "Hey it's okay. Like Bow said neither of us have any idea what we're doing. We can figure it out together." Adora smiled and took my hand and began stepping in time with the music with me. She stepped on my toes a few times, each time she stopped to look at me and repeating, "Oh my God I'm sorry." Which in reply I would laugh and just continue dancing.

Bow and Glimmer changed the music to a more upbeat song as Adora and I just jumped around in time with the music. Again in those moments, there wasn't any other care in the world besides her. Her hair jumping in time to her jumping. Her ponytail becoming looser and looser with each jump. I felt myself begin to sweat with each jump I took also. By the end of the song Adora and I were done jumping and were sweating. Bow and Glimmer smiled at us and turned off the music.

"I'd say for your first one, this date was a big success!" Glimmer said to us, adding, "mostly because of my cooking." Adora and I laughed as Bow said, "Go and get some sleep you two. Or.. whatever you guys want to do." He said with a wink. I waved him off with my free hand as my other still held onto Adora's. Adora and I both walked out of the room and each took showers.

When I stepped out of my bathroom and into my room I wondered if Adora was asleep yet. I wandered over to her room and opened the door slightly to see Adora in a towel on her bed. As soon as I saw her laying there I felt my face go hot and stepped out of the crack in the door so she couldn't see me through it. I just slumped against the wall next to the door and waited to hear something.

There was no noise. She didn't notice. I took a breath and got a hold of myself. I looked in the door again and she was no longer on the bed. I let out a breath and opened the door completely and stepped into her room.

"Adora?" I called out. I looked around her room and then back at her bed. Where did she even go? I looked over to see that the bathroom door was closed. She must have brought her clothes in there. I sat down on Adora's bed and waited for her to come out of the bathroom. Adora finally stepped out of the bathroom in shorts and her bra. I swallowed and tried to speak but my mouth was dry.

Adora looked at me but didn't look surprised i was in her room. She leaned against her wall with one foot against it smirking down at me. I still couldn't talk. I felt something weird in my stomach.

Like I said before. Well. Shit.

A.N.~ This chapter was a little bit long but I hope you guys like long chapters. Next chapter might be a bit.. dirty. Nothing too bad though I hope you enjoyed this chapter though and the next one is going to be out soon! ❤️

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