Chapter 5: Princess Prom

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Adoras P.O.V

After a few days of recruiting the other princesses to the rebellion there was an invite to the mail for Glimmer and I. For princess prom.

"Princess Prom! Princess Prom! We are going to Princess Prom!" Catra and I looked at each other confused. "Okay what the hell is Princess Prom?" Catra asked after Bow and Glimmer finished their song. "It's an old tradition for princesses and its a old school dance. And Princess Frosts is hosting." "The only Princess we haven't recruited?" I asked. Glimmer laughed. "Yes. But we have to make a good impression." Catra saluted. "Aye aye Captain." I laughed as Glimmer continued talking.

"So we need to go over the invite and then... we need to go over what we wear. Bow and i are going together so we need to figure out what to wear together. Catra can come as your plus one Adora."

"Oh I don't know I might have someone else in mind." Catra's eyes fell open as she crossed her arms. "Oh I'm kidding come on." Catra continues to glare at me but broke into a smile.

~~15 minutes later~~

"Alright. I've examined the invite and I know everything ask me anything." "Uh Princess Frosta." "Oh she has the biggest castle and she is neutral with the Horde and Bright Moon and her parents were part of the Princess alliance." I quickly recited. "Adora shes 11 too. Just keep that in mind. Wouldn't want you to get.. embarrassed." Catra said with a smirk winking at me.

I sighed and laughed glancing at Glimmer who's face was scarlet. "Alright. Apart from that." Glimmer said motioning towards us. "Do you know what time it is?" I looked at Catra and she looked just as confused as me. "Makeover time! Now you and Catra get ready and I'll get ready with Adora. We'll have to plan our outfits later." Bow scratched his head. "About that.." "it's a best friend squad thing." "I'm going with Perfuma." "What! Bow.." "She asked me the other day." Glimmer looked crushed. "Alright it's fine. Just makeover time Bow. Get in the spirit!"

Bow and Catra were pushed out of the room as Glimmers eyes sparkled. "So Adora. Do you know what you wanna wear?" "Well, I figured I'd just go as She-ra. She has better hair." "No weapons are allowed at the ball Adora. I thought you went through the invite thoroughly. Whatever it's fine. Come on, I got this.

No one's P.O.V

As Glimmer pulled out bunches of dresses she threw them one by one at Adora to try them on. In another room Bow and Catra were talking about what they were gonna wear. "What are you gonna wear Catra?" "I was thinking a nice suit like a red or purple thing." Bow thought for a moment and then snapped his fingers. "I got it!" Bow hurried to his closet and searched for the suit for Catra.

Man last year I never would have thought I'd be going to a Princess Ball. Catra thought. "How do you need any help?" "No I got it!" Bow came rushing back into the room with a reddish purple suit with a hot pink undershirt with a black tie. "What do you think?" Catra's eyes lit up. "I love it. Thanks Bow." Bow winked saying, "No prob. I'm sure Adora will like it too." Catra's face changed. "What?"

Bow smiled to himself. "Glimmer told me." Catra nodded slowly. "Alright let's talk about that later. I'm picking out your outfit." Bow smiled and nodded.

In Glimmers room, Adora and Glimmer we still trying to pick Adora's dress. "Ugh, Adora all these dresses and there's not one that you like?" Adora put her hand on her chin. "Hmm. I don't know I've never been to a prom or dance or whatever this thing is called. I don't even know how to dance well." Glimmer sighed. "Adora. I know you want to impress. I know you think that there's something off with you then the other princesses but there isn't. You'll be fine Adora. Now pick a dress. We don't want to be late." Adora took a deep breath looking at all the dresses that lied on Glimmers bed.

"I kinda like that one." Adora said pointing to a red dress that had caught her eye. "Perfect." Glimmer replied. Adora put on the dress as Glimmer saw her she almost fell to tears. "Wow Adora you look amazing. Just once more finishing touch." Glimmer walked towards her closet and came back out with a hair ribbon. "Well what do you think?" Adora stepped in front of a mirror. "Wow I-I like it."

Adora's P.O.V

I stepped outside of Glimmers room and saw Bow in a nice white suit with a bit of his stomach showing. I noticed it seemed to be his fashion statement. Then I saw Catra tapping her foot in a reddish purple suit. Glimmer and Bow went next to each other and started giggling and looking at us. Catra turned around and started to gawk at me.

"Wow you look-" I felt my face turn red as Catra scratches the back of her head. "Hot? I know. You look very beautiful Princess. Shall we?" Catra held her arm out to me as we started to walk outside to head to Frosta's kingdom.

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