Chapter 9: The Woods

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Catra's P.O.V

"Hey Adora." I said to Adora while she was sitting on the bed after I snuck up on her. "Catra!" Adora started to smile as I jumped onto the bed and sat next to her. "How are you feeling?" I asked her. She felt her face and her forehead. "Well I feel fine and my face feels fine. Do I look okay?" I tilted my head and smiled, "Well you always look fine." Adora covered her face with her hands as I smiled at her.

"Okay I'll take that as I'm alright then." I got off the bed. "Good. Let's go." I grabbed Adora's hand and pulled her up off the bed. "Go- Where!" "You know. Adventure." "What happened the last time we 'adventured' huh?" I tapped my chin. "We escaped the worst place Ever." Adora tilted her head. "Fair." I laughed saying, "Okay let's go!" Adora yelped as I pulled her outside the doors and went into the woods surrounding Bright Moon.

"Catra.. do you know where we're going?" "Mm no. But isn't that the fun part?" Adora took a deep breath. "If you say so." Adora and I both walked along the path that we had entered on. "So what exactly happened, back at the Fright Zone I mean." I thought back to what I had said to Shadow Weaver. How scared I was. How frustrated. "I was pissed. I think if you weren't there I would've killed Shadow Weaver." "What do you mean? I wasn't even awake." I sighed. "I know but at that time I knew that I had to get you out of there."

Adora numbed her shoulder against mine. She started to look at me weirdly. "What? Oh no I know what this is about. I knew you'd be weird about She-ra and Princess Prom. I told you it's not because I like you." Adora smirked. "I mean I didn't- I didn't say anything." I put my hand on my mouth blocking the smile that was forming on my face.

"Well if you say so Catra." I bumped Adora's shoulder and she shoved me playfully and started to run. "Hey!" I said while laughing. I started to run after her and saw that there was a stump. I jumped over it and rolled on the ground afterwards. "Oof!" Adora fell over the stump and fell on her back by the end of her tumbling. I started to laugh but when she was rubbing her head I thought it could be serious. I got onto her stomachs and waved my hands in front of her face. "Hey! Adora! Adora!" Adora sat up. "Catra?" I realized the position we were in and started to smile. Adora laughed and pushed me off.

"Whoa. Hey wait, wait. What is that?" I asked. "That would be an old First Ones ruin? I think." "Let's go in!" "What? Catra wait!" I pulled along Adora into the place and we got in and I saw a picture in the glass in a window. "Is that She-ra?" Adora nodded and placed her hand on a pillar. "What is your query?" "Ah!" Adora fell backwards when a hologram of a lady popped up in front of her. "Who is that?" I asked. Adora waved her hand in front of the hologram as it repeated, "What is your query?" I tapped my chin again. "Ah! She-ra!" "Unauthorized presence detected. Lockdown initiated."

"Um Catra?" I started to back away from the hologram and walked next to Adora. "I think we should run." Adora and I started to run away towards the exit and then rocks blocked us. "Catra watch out!" Adora grabbed me from the back and roped her arms around my waist and pulled me away from the exit as rocks began to fall right in front of us. "Thanks. That was- that was close!" "Catra.. I don't think that's all we have to worry about." I turned around and saw huge robot spiders coming towards us. "What do we do?" Adora ran towards them with her sword out and yelled, "For the honor of Grayskull!"

She transformed into She-ra and started to fight the spiders while I stayed near the exit. I tried to pull the rocks out, but they were too heavy and there was too many. "Shit. Adora! I don't think we can get out of here!" Adora cut the last spider in half. "We'll find a way out of here.

"Follow me." I walked behind Adora as she put her sword away and walked towards a dark doorway. "Are you sure we should go in there?" Adora smiled. "Oh come on. The unknown is what makes it fun." I mocked Adora as she playfully punched me on my arm. "Alright fine then. Let's go." We walked into the dark corridor and the door closed in on us. "I can't see anything." Adora said. "Adora.. do you think I can?" I started to laugh and Adora did too. "If i could see you right now I would so punch you."

I started to laugh. "Not if I punch you first." Adora started to laugh. I could hear where it was coming from. "Oh really? I'd like to see you try." I smiled as I could hear i was right in front of her. "Well i don't have to try to hard." The lights turned on and I was ready to pounce. I saw Adora in front of me as she looked at me in surprise.

"Whoa!" I pounced on her laughing and punched her chest. "There. I win." Adora started to laugh but her laughter soon died. She looked scared and confused. "What?" I looked up from her and saw the Fright Zone all around us. "Oh."

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