Chapter 33: Over It

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Adora's P.O.V

When I woke up I felt Catra in my arms again. Just like the first time. She makes me feel so safe. So warm.

She awoke and got a strand of hair off of my face. "And goodmorning to you too." I replied as she smiled at me.

Last night had been... both of our firsts. We had no idea what we were doing, but every minute of it, was all I had ever wanted. I never knew how much I wanted her until I finally got her. All.. of her.

She buried her head into my chest as she took in a deep breath. "Hey Adora." She said seductively as she sat up. I could see the same look in her eyes she had given me last night.

I bit my lip as she sat on my waist. "How'd you sleep?" She asked me. She was running her fingers through my hair. She had her claws out, but she was only pressing lightly on my head. Not enough to scratch. Only enough to send shivers down my whole body.

She had done this similarly last night, but with less control. I felt the sting of her fresh scratches still lingering on my back.

I knew it would show on my face that it hurt when I sat up. But I had to worry about that later. When I actually did get up.

"I slept okay." She answered while she kept playing with my hair.

She was looking at my hair and away from my face in a way. I smiled at her as her eyes were darting around my head.

She looked like a little kid again.

Glimmer came into the room and just knocked on the door. "Mom says there's another meeting about to happen. Get down there please." She teleported away.

Catra got up and began to walk towards the door. As she did she was turned away from me. I tried to get up without making any noise. I heard myself since in pain but I got up. I quickly got to my jacket so Catra wouldn't be able to see through my white shirt.

She looked back at me as I was putting my jacket on. She knows. She looked at me up up and down with an expression that I could not describe. She looked like she felt sorry for me but confused at the same time.

She said nothing and gave me a fake smile and held her hand out for me to take. I tried to walk as normally as I could, but that didn't work.

Catra didn't seem to notice as we walked down to the meeting room.

All of the princesses were there when Catra and I sat down. This must be serious. Catra looked at me and nodded. Almost as if she knew what I was thinking.

"Hello everyone." Angela greeted. "I'm sure most of you are curious as to why I have called you here." All of the Princesses began to mumble amongst themselves. When they quieted down, Angela continued. "Not many of you may know this but, we have taken in a few soldiers from the Horde."

Many of the Princesses gasped. "This is madness. We know what they have done to us!" Seahawk yelled at her. She held up a hand and said, "Now I know. But we have taken in Adora and Catra since we found them. They haven't done anything badly to us. In fact they have helped us with fighting the Horde."

Everyone turned to look at Catra and I. We both smiled and waved nervously.

Everyone turned back towards the Queen Angela as she continued to speak.

"And i am putting them in charge to tell us what they do and if they should be trusted.

Catra stood and bowed, clearly not knowing exactly how to announce she was going to speak, and said, "Uh Angela? Erm- I mean, your majesty," she said bowing again, "Adora and I showed the soldiers around last night. The injured ones anyway, and we brought them to Adora's room and watched them all night. If you didn't know that they were Horde soldiers before you wouldn't have been able to tell last night that they were."

Angela nodded but quickly stopped herself. "Where are they now?" Catra stood again, "Oh they're right u-."  I smiled at her and said, "We can get them, if you want."

She nodded and waved us off to go get them.

I grabbed Catra and ran upstairs with her. We sprinted to my room and saw Scorpia, Lonnie, Kyle and Rogelio on top of each other all asleep in a clump.

I let out a breath which tore at my back. I heard myself whimper and clung to the wall for support. Catra quickly noticed and asked me if I was okay. "Yeah I'm fine."

She knows. She knows what she did. She finally remembered.

She nodded and looked towards the four of them and motioned for me to help wake them up.

Catra tapped Scorpia on the head and she stood as soon as she was touched and everyone on top of her flew off of her back and woke up.

I looked at Catra and shook my head.

"What? I never said I was going to do it easily." I put my hand on my head and laughed at her.

"Okay guys, we are going to be going down to the meeting room where the princesses and the Queen are. I know you've been trained to hate them but they want to give you a chance, so give them one." I said as they all stared at us.

Without words they all started to follow me.

We went downstairs and they were greeted by the Queen. "Now that everyone is here, I would like to inform you and the former Horde soldiers that they will be watched closely, and they will be monitored and made sure that they follow the rules. We will explain everything to them and help them adjust. Meeting adjourned."

The Queen walked away from the table as everyone stood.

Glimmer quickly teleported in front of the group. "Don't worry, there really aren't many rules but let me show you your room."

Glimmer almost teleported away but I quickly stepped in saying, "No! Uh I mean- no. I'm sharing a room with Catra so they can have mine. They were sleeping there last night anyways and they already know where it is. And we can keep an eye on them at night." I whispered the last part. Glimmer nodded and walked them to my room.

Catra grabbed both of my hands once they were gone and pulled me to her. "So we're sharing a room now?" She asked me. I smiled at her. "Yeah, I guess we are." Catra smirked at me. "So you want me all to yourself huh?" She asked me

I sighed and pushed her nose back. She looked at it and made herself cross eyed. I laughed so hard that I fell to the ground.

When I had finally gotten up we began to show the other four what to do and where to go that was fun. We had even found new place to hang out.

It was a fun day. Later that night Catra and I took turns showering. I was first and had a sports bra on. I laid on my back, trying to make myself not feel too much pain when I was on the scratches. Before I could put my shirt on to cover up the scratches my back, I drifted off to sleep while Catra was still in the shower.

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