Chapter 2: Alone

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Catra's P.O.V
Adora. She really left the Horde. Left me. But it wasn't right. She knows it wasn't. Right?

~~Two hours earlier~~

"Adora!" I had woken up getting dragged back to the tank I had driven. "Where are we?" "We're back in the tank cadet." I looked up at the soldier in the front seat. "Why? Why didn't you just leave me?" The soldier stopped progressing forward and turned to me saying, "We can't have another defect. We can't lose any other assets." I sat up scratching my head. "Asset?" I laughed as he turned back around. "I'm not an asset worth keeping. Why don't you just let me out here and I'll find my way back." The soldier tensed and shrugged. "You're going to have to deal with a superior power than me." I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up as I realized what was going to happen.

When we arrived at the Fright Zone, Shadow Weaver stood at the doors and grabbed me the second I was close enough. She brought me to her room and threw me on the floor. "You find Adora but you don't bring her back. Instead you try and go with her?" "I- I wasn't I wouldn't leave the Horde I was just trying to-" "LIES!" Shadow Weavers hand went across my face as I stumbled to the ground. "You have always been following Adora around like a puppy. Never focused on what you need to be focused on." "But I am focused. I went out today and managed to at least find Adora." Shadow Weaver turned around and pointed towards the door. "Leave me." I did as she said and went to the bunks. I saw the drawing Adora and I had drawn as kids.


And now I'm up here overlooking the whole Fright Zone. Defect huh? Maybe she had the right idea. Clearly we aren't doing anything good. And we don't have anyone caring about us. Nobody would even know if we left unless we were important. Hmm maybe I could even slip out unnoticed..

Adora's P.O.V

"Damnit Glimmer. Maybe I should go back. I shouldn't have done it. I shouldn't have left. They won't leave us alone. Or you or Bright Moon. What am I going to do. They think I defected. Which I did but what are they going to do. We're stuck we're finished we're-" "Adora!" I looked up at Glimmer to see her fingers massaging her head. "Adora. It'a okay we will be fine and we will be safe here. My mother has guards around the castle and no one is getting in. Unless you can teleport or you climb the side of the castle." I took a deep breath saying, "Yeah you're right." Glimmer nodded and got up and walked to the door saying, "Goodnight Adora, I'll see you in the morning."

As I laid down on my bed I realized it was like water. I was being almost suffocated by the bed and I couldn't sleep. I sat up and stayed looking out a window for a while. By the time I actually felt tired it was around 12:37 and I didn't know how I was going to sleep. I decided to take the blankets off the bed and try to sleep on it once again. Once I took all the blankets off I laid down on the bed and tried to sleep. Although some of the padding had been removed because of the blankets, the bed still felt like it was sucking me inside it. "Ugh!" I said aloud. How the hell am I going to sleep when I can't find a comfortable place to lay? I sat up and crossed my arms. It started to become cold in my room and I saw that both windows were open. I went to the first window and closed it, but as soon as I did I started to hear noises from the other window.

Not normal noises but it sounded like someone was outside. Glimmer had said the only way someone would be able to get inside was by climbing the castle walls, but was she actually serious? I slowly walked towards the window, grabbing a hair pin on my way towards it, and looked outside. When I looked down I almost fell backwards. There was no one there. Only a far far way down. I closed the window and sat on the floor and took a deep breath. "That was close." I said out loud. "What was?" I gasped loudly and looked around. "Who's there!?" "Hey Adora." Said a voice that I instantly recognized. "Catra."

Catra stepped out of the shadows of my bed with a facial expression I'd only seen when we were kids. Pure happiness. "What are you doing here?" Catra looked down and then back up. "I wanted to see you. Talk to you. I didn't get to say what I wanted to earlier today. They wouldn't let me. They tased me and it hurt like hell Adora." I looked at her expression now and the happiness was gone. All that was left was sadness. "I'm sorry I didn't come back to you. I should have followed you back and helped you. Saved you from the Horde and made sure you were okay." "Adora it's okay. Really." "What happened to you when you went back?" Catra hesitates but told me what Shadow Weaver has done. "She took me to her chambers and she just threw me around a bit, but I'm alright."

I walked over to her and took her hand. "You could stay here you know. With me and Glimmer and Bow. I don't know much about them yet but they seem to trust me and if I said that you'd be okay then they would let you stay. I know they would." "Adora I- what about the Horde?" "Catra I've run from the Horde and you think they won't take things out on the rest of you. Because of me? If you don't stay I'll go back as much as I don't want to." Catra looked down at our hands. "Adora. I don't know." "Can we just talk about it in the morning. Its late." "Oh you want me to go so you can sleep?" I grabbed both her hands now saying, "No no no, I mean if you want to leave you can but-" "You can't sleep?" I felt my jaw open in awe that she couldn't sleep either. "Yeah me either." She said. "I'll stay. I don't think I'd get any sleep otherwise."

Catra tried laying on my bed but when she too agreed that it was like being suffocated we both slept on the floor with the blankets I had torn off the bed. Catra fell asleep first and she was purring as she slept. Which she often did, but I didn't know how
much i missed it until I heard it again.

I miss you~catradoraWhere stories live. Discover now