Chapter 13: Save Adora

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Catra's P.O.V

I began to grow bored when I looked towards Adora. She was.. on the floor. What the? I watched as the hologram lady glided away from Adora and went to the other side of the room. As soon as she was far enough away, I made my way towards Adora.

I slid on the floor to her on my knees. I stopped right next to her and put my hands on her shoulders. "Adora! Adora. Wake up!" Adora's face didn't change at all. It looked like she was dead almost. I put my head on Adora's stomach. "Come on Adora." I sat up and she was still the same. Shit. What am I going to do? What if I can't wake her up ? How are we going to get out of here? I can't get help if I can't get out.

I felt my body start to go limp. "What the- what is- going.. on?" I fell gently onto Adora again as everything went to black.

Adora's P.O.V

"Light Hope?" I looked around the room and I realized i was alone. Even Light Hope was gone. Where are they? "Catra? Are you still here?" No reply.

What is going on? "Adora?" I heard a voice behind me. I turned to see Catra standing there. I ran to Catra and hugged her. Her arms where still open when I wrapped mine around her. I could tell she was confused but she wrapped her arms around me. Wait she's hugging me back? She never does that. She never hugs anyone without pulling away..

I let go of her and had my hands on her shoulders. "I thought you left." "I would never Adora." Catra put her hand on my cheek. "Ever." I smiled at her as I felt my face grow hot. I could tell I was blushing as Catra smiled at me. "Am I interrupting something?" A male voice said to us. "Horsey?" Catra and I let go of each other as we both stared at the horse in awe.

"What? Horsey? What the hell is this?" Catra motioned towards the horse and to me. "Well my name is Swift Wind. And Adora zapped me with her sword and here I am. Now I came here to-" "It's a talking Horse!" I screamed motioning towards him as well. Catra face palmed. "Okay I see why you, Glimmer and Bow are friends." I took a deep breath in. "Sorry, continue." "We came here to rescue you. We would've taken longer except Catra left very distinct foot prints to here.

Catra scratched her head smiling at me. I punched her playfully on the arm. "Thanks kitten." I said winking at her. Catra blushed profusely and covered her face frantically. Swift Wind wore a confused expression on his face.

"Well anyways. Glimmer, Bow and I came here and we wanted to save you. But both of you were passed out. I realized I could get through too because of our bond that we share. Now which way's the exit?"

"I don't know. Light Hope disappeared and I— I don't know if I should go." "What do you mean" Catra stepped towards me once again and put her hand on my shoulder. "Light Hope said if I leave here, I'll make things worse. She's right. Everyone will be better off if I just stay away from them. It's for the greater good." Catra let go of my shoulder and sighed.

"Well that's stupid." I looked up at her. "What? No it's not." Swift wind butted in saying, "Adora, I've had the ability to form complex thoughts for like a week, and even I know you can't help by hiding. Where would all the horses I freed be if I just sat in a pasture and moped?" I scoffed at him. " I'm not moping." Catra and Swift Wind both shook there heads while looking at me.

"I'm not. I hurt people. I ruined my friends lives." "If that's true, then why are we all here to save you?" I turned around to see Bow and Glimmer next to a passed out hologram of Catra and I while Bow shot arrows and Glimmer spoke to us. "Bow and Glimmer are risking their lives. So is Catra. She came out in the Whispering Woods all by herself, all because she doesn't care about you?" Catra smiled and turned away trying to hide the smirk.

"Not because you're She-ra, but because you're their friend. What good is all your power if you don't use it to help the people you love?" I looked at Catra and then back at Bow and Glimmer and nodded. "I'm not Mara. I'm not the She-ras of the past. I didn't do this to fulfill some destiny. I became She-ra to help others. My attachments, my friends are a part of who I am." "So are we staying or are we going?" "Let's go." I replied taking my sword out. A pink pillar came from the ground as all three of us walked through.

A.N.~ Hi guys, so after my short break I decided I couldn't keep you guys waiting forever so I'm going to try and get back into the groove of things and although i may not be publishing as often, I will be publishing. (and happy valentines day ❤️)

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