Chapter 36: Catra's Birthday

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Catra's P.O.V

October 28th. 3 days before Halloween. Thats all it was. Adora was the only person that remembered. At least I thought that when I woke up.

"Goodmorning birthday kitten." She said and kissed my forehead. "Ugh... Adora. Don't."

She started to kiss my face all over and smiled at me, wrapping her arms around me.

"Finee. I won't bother you until later." She said with a wink. She got up from the bed and smiled at me, holding out her hand.

"Can we do something special for today at least?" She asked me. I sighed and after a few minutes I nodded my head. Adora's eyes sparkled at me as she grabbed my hand and lead me outside of the castle.

Adora brought me into the woods and to a clearing where there was a blanket and a basket.

"What is that?" I asked. Adora smiled at me and guided me towards it. "It's called a picnic. Glimmer helped me." She said quickly.

We both sat down as Adora pulled out two sandwiches for us. She gave me one and restarted to eat hers. "How'd you come up with this?" I asked her through my full mouth.

"Well I told Glimmer it was your birthday-." "YOU TOLD GLIMMER?" Adora's mouth laid open. A confused expression crept its way around her face. "Oh.. was I not supposed to?" Adora asked me. I smacked my head so hard I fell to my back. My hand slid down my face as it spread my face around it. "Whyyyy?"

I said agitated. "You know how big she makes things." I said to her. Adora laid down next to me and took my hand off my face and held it in hers. "Well I guess we can't go back then. We'll just have to stay.." Adora got on top of me in one motion. "here."

Adora eventually laid on top of me and started to stroke my cheek. She took some strawberries and started to eat some of them. When I asked for them she would give me some too.

We didn't have to talk to each other. Just being with each other was all I had ever wanted. Adora and I sat around in the sun for hours. We had the occasional conversation. Adora had asked me what I wanted for my birthday. I had always said no. Just her. Thats all I needed.

Adora kept giving me weird looks. Like she felt bad for something but couldn't say what. Guilty almost.

"Is something wrong?" I asked as Adora sat up. She shook her head. I sat up as well and looked at her face. I grabbed her face and pulled her towards me. "Adora. I know you're lying. Just tell me." Adora quickly got up. I followed her actions as I helped her fold the blanket. She hadn't said anything.

We folded the blanket together and were mere inches away from each other. "Adora.." I whispered to her ear while I pressed myself against her. "You know you can't keep anything from me, especially with a bit of.." I kissed Adora and bit her lip as she whimpered in front of me.

"persuasion." I finished. Adora was already out of breath. She looked at me with lust in her eyes. She grabbed my hand and dropped the blanket and then we both fell to the ground. Adora pushed her hips to mine and started to grind on me as she kissed me. Getting lower and lower with each kiss.

Let me just say that Adora definitely gave me a great birthday gift. She knew exactly what she was doing even though we were in the woods. After Adora and I had gotten up and cleaned ourselves, we stood up and grabbed the blanket and each other's hands and started to walk back to Bright Moon.

Adora and I hadn't spoken since.. we got back up from the ground. We started to grow closer and closer to the front doors of Bright Moon and the more and more I noticed Adora had tensed up. She shouldn't have been since.. well.

We walked to the front of Bright Moon's gates. Adora was hesitant to go in that way. I had no idea why. "Surprise Catra!" I was screamed at. I immediately jumped behind Adora and tried to calm myself once I saw that it was Glimmer, Bow, Scorpia, Lonnie and Rogelio that had jumped out and said surprise to me.

I was welcomed inside with Adora who just stared at me. Almost as if she was waiting for me to say something. I began to wonder why Kyle wasn't with them. I tried to look for him but I saw a empty table with plates and napkins.

"Happy Birthday Catra." Kyle's voice said from a distance away. I saw him and the Queen holding up a light blue frosted cake with sprinkles on it. They set it down on the table. Everyone gathered around me and tried to sing along together. I noticed Adora in a corner by herself.

I ran over to her and grabbed her as she sung along and helped me to blow out my candles. Like she had done just as when we were kids.


"Come on Catra!" I had tried to act unimpressed. And not excited at all but Adora could always tell when I was faking something. Adora handed me a cupcake with a candle. It had been our routine whenever it was one of our birthdays. Adora stepped away from me and watched me look at the cupcake.

"Come on Adora, help me blow it out!" Adora did with me. Both of us laughed as it went out. Neither of us knowing why but enjoying it. And enjoying that cupcake.

~End Flashback~

We all had slices of cake. Adora had looked a little sad. "Hey I know why you didn't want to keep it from me. But I'm not mad. This is the ONE time, I am allowing this." I explained to Adora.

As soon as I had finished speaking I was engulfed in a hug by Adora. The others soon followed.

I miss you~catradoraWhere stories live. Discover now