Chapter 20: Attack on Bright Moon

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Catra's P.O.V

"So the plan..?" Glimmer asked. Adora shook her head. "We have to stop them." The Horde had been approaching us for a while. No one had taken notice to their ambush because of my injury. Adora was really preoccupied with.. well me.

"They're almost here and its just us four and the Queen." Bow explained. "We can't face them with just us here. We won't win that way." I reasoned. Adora nodded at me and took my hand. She started to stroke my hand with her thumb without even noticing she was doing it. She had a worried look on her face.

I kept looking down at her hand. "You're Adora- ble." Adora blushed and laughed. Glimmer and Bow stared at us and we both smiled at them. "Can we light the distress beacon?" I asked looking at Glimmer. "Yes that is the best thing to do." A voice behind me said. Adora and I turned to see Queen Angela.

"We need to prepare for battle now. Glimmer turn on the beacon. Bow, you need to get stocked up on arrows. Catra make sure you are ready to fight. Take something for your head if you must. Adora, get your sword and prepare for battle." Queen Angela ordered us.

We all broke off into our groups as I got some medicine and walked to Adora's room to see her swinging her sword around. She pointed her sword at the wall and began to speak. My ear twitched trying to listen. "Listen Scorpia, you were trying to kill her. I won't allow it. I don't care." Adora went silent and tilted her head. "No. Not gonna happen. I will never let you go now that I have you. You almost killed her and I swear, I will do the same to you." I stepped into Adora's room and slowly clapped while smiling at her.

"Uh I um.." Adora blushed furiously as me and covered her face while turning away. "And um what was that? Exactly?" I asked as I walked towards her slowly. "Nothing." I laughed at her nervousness. "It's okay Adora." I walked in front of her and got on my tippy toes to kiss her forehead. "I still love you." I replied smiling. Adora smiled at me and picked me up and hugged me.

I laughed at her and hugged her back as I felt her sigh with me in her arms. Man she has no idea how much I love her.

Someone kicked the door open and as soon as I heard the voice I knew something was wrong. "Guys! The Horde! They're here!" Bow ran out of Adora's room and I could hear his footsteps receding.

"You ready?" I asked Adora. "As I'll ever be." Adora said transforming into She-ra and running down the hall in front of me.

Adora's P.O.V

I ran down the hall and outside. The whole sky was gray. It looked like it was going to downpour. "Adora!" Catra yelled as she stood next to me. I turned to her. Her eyes were wide when she took in the sight in front of us. "We can do it." Catra nodded at me and started to run with me to a group of soldiers.

Catra ran up to a soldier and kicked them and they flew backwards. Soldiers began to surround me and I swung my sword in a circle and they all flew back and landed on the backs. Catra was standing behind me and i was behind her. We were both making sure that the other was safe.

I saw Scorpia in the distance as Catra ran to Glimmer to help her. I ran to Scorpia and swung my sword at her. She dodged it, laughing. "Oh hi Adora! Thanks for the warning." Scorpia laughed at me.

"You don't deserve one. You didn't give Catra one." Scorpia faced me now and gave me a weird look. "Well you sure gave her a chance?" "Pff what?" Scorpia laughed. "You are clueless. She came to that town to kill those civilians and then your princess friends. And yet you let her stay with you anyway." I shook my head at her.

"No she came and it was her choice to stay. I said I would go if she did." Scorpia again laughed at me. "You know what? I don't even know why I care. You obviously aren't a part of what has happened. And now I'll make that permanent." I was done talking.

I swung my sword at Scorpia who was about to speak but she was cut off by the wind that came off of my sword. She slid back on her feet but caught herself. Catra and I knew it and so did she. She was the strongest out of all the Horde soldiers.

Scorpia came lunging at me and grazed me with her tail. I felt the non lethal venom start to course through my veins. I felt myself grow weaker by the second. I have to finish this. Now. I ran to Scorpia with the last of my energy and swung my sword at her feet. She flew up but when she landed she was on her feet with one hand in the dirt. "Ooh that seems like a fun ride. I love it. Let's do it again!" Scorpia said smirking at me. I fell to the ground. My sword was slipping out of my hand. It was the only thing keeping me sitting up.

I won't let this happen. I tried to get up but Scorpia walked over and kicked the sword out from underneath me. I heard my own breath grow raspy. "This isn't over." I said looking up. "Of course not." Scorpia replied as I struggled to keep my eyes open. I looked around. Everyone was still fighting. I saw Catra turn and see me and make eye contact. She started to run towards me and motioning for Glimmer to follow. It was too late. I was going to be taken back to the Fright Zone. Glimmer teleported to me and threw Scorpia back and leaned down to me.

"Adora! Are you okay? We'll get you out of this I swear." Bow's arrows flew to Scorpia. She had trouble dodging as she almost lost her footing. Glimmer went to help Bow by distracting Scorpia as she teleported all around her. Scorpia snacked Bow with her tail and her flew close behind me.

Scorpia laughed as Catra pounced around her on the ground near her. A splash of water hit Scorpia in the face as I turned to see Mermista and Seahawk riding towards us. Thank God. Horde soldiers retreated.

Scorpia was flushed away by Mermista and drove away on a Skiff.

Glimmer ran to me and teleported me into Bright Moon. And finally I allowed my eyes to close, knowing I was safe and everything was okay.

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