Chapter 37: Halloween Costumes

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Adora's P.O.V

The party for Catra had left all of us exhausted. There was dancing and a lot of food. We all stayed up really late. The last three days had been a blur. All we did was get up when we had to and go to sleep earlier then usual.

We had to pick our costumes out but Catra and I had no idea what we were wearing.

Catra and I had been talking about it ever since we got up. It had been hours and we had bounced our ideas off of each other and still we had nothing.

I had been tracing the lines of my sword for a few minutes with one hand holding my face up. Catra had been pacing.

"Wait.." Catra said putting her hand up and sticking up her pointer finger. "I got it." Catra grabbed my sword and smiled and started to pose with it. She held her arms up and tried to make it obvious what she was thinking. I had no clue.

"She-ra" she pointed at herself "me. You can get a change of my clothes and then voila. We are golden." She laughed as she saw the realization strike my face.

"That. Is. Genius." I said as I stood up. Then my face dropped. "But we don't have an outfit for She-ra." I said.

Catra scratched the back of her head. "We could make one." I thought about it and how we could. Maybe we could ask for help if we really needed it. I nodded at her and we both raced downstairs and tried to get everything we needed.

As we got the materials together, Catra began to sew and in a matter of an hour we were done. Catra was excited to try on her costume and I was excited just to see what she would look like.

Catra walked into the bathroom and threw her clothes outside. "You change too." She said before closing the door.

I cautiously took my shirt off and put on hers. And my pants and then quickly slipping hers on. They smelled just like her. I leaned against the wall and waited for Catra to come out. When she finally did she looked.. amazing. She looked at me as her eyes dilated. I laughed at her as she finally looked up at me.

"You look so good." I said to her. She walked towards me and smiled. She slowly came closer and kissed me. She leaned back quickly.

"We should probably go and see if the others need help." Catra said already out of breath. She grabbed my hand and started to slowly walk down stairs. She was snuggling my arm the whole time. Almost as if she didn't want to lose me.

We arrived in the room as everything was already set up. Lights and speakers were around. Almost like our first date had looked.

"Hey guys!" Bow yelled at us while waving. Glimmer walked up to us. "Wow you guys really went all out huh?" She asked us. She had a Queen costume on as Bow came running next to her with a crop top and a little crown on his head.

"Wow you guys look amazing!" Bow said. He smiled at us and then bowed at Glimmer, put his hand out. Glimmer took it and was dragged to the dance floor. I heard Catra laugh as she was looking at them. I turned to her and gave her a smirk. She smiled back at me but then her face dropped.

"No." She quickly tried to protest but it was too late.

I dragged Catra to the dance floor while laughing as I forced her to dance along with me. She kept staring at me as I danced and kept giving me smirks.

The others were huddled around the table with the food. Slowly, but eventually, Queen Angela ushered everyone on to the dance floor. Scorpia and Lonnie were dancing together, Rogelio and Kyle, Glimmer and Bow and Catra and I.

The couples all danced together, with the exception of Scorpia and Lonnie as we all went along with a routine that everyone else somehow knew.

We were passed out candy and there was another Piñata and when Catra's eyes lit up. She taught Scorpia and everyone else how to swing and with the proper force to get the candy out.

Catra looked so cute while she was teaching everyone how to swing the right way. Like she knew exactly what she was doing. She laughed as she caught me looking at her. she smirked at me and winked.

She ran over towards me and grabbed my hand and placed a bat in it. I was pulled onto the dance floor as Catra put me in front of the piñata. She already knew I was fully aware how to swing the bat but she got behind me and had her hips on my butt and turned with me and the bat while smirking at me.

She slowly backed away, smirking at me. I walked up to her and pulled her towards me by the collar. "You are gonna get it later." I said as I pushed her back from me and smacked the bat against the piñata. It burst open with candy. I walked over to Catra with my arms folded.

She and everyone else had their mouths wide open as I just leaned against the wall with my arms crossed. Glimmer teleported towards the candy and grabbed it which started a frenzy for everyone grabbing candy over and over. I grabbed her by the waist and turned her towards me.

"You. Me. Upstairs. Let's go." Catra gulped as I pulled her up the stairs. That was indeed the best Halloween we had.

A.N. I'm having a little bit of trouble with writing and having writers block but i want to get a chapter out as much as possible so if anyone has suggestions let me knoww

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