Chapter 1

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Izuku Midoriya...




The explosive young blonde snapped his head up quickly as Aizawa grumbled out his name.

"Is there anything you would like to share with the class or are you just lost in a daydream?" Aizawa was looking down at the papers in front of him, but Katsuki felt as if the pro-hero was scowling directly at him. It sent shivers down his spine.

Katsuki scoffed and placed his chin in his palm. "Whatever. Just keep on with your stupid lesson."

Aizawa hummed, then droned on, absolutely ready to fall asleep.

Kirishima snickered at the distracted blonde.

The red-eyed teen closed his eyes, zoning right back out as his thoughts returned to the green-haired, green-eyed boy they were previously on.

"Class dismissed," Aizawa muttered, dropping his papers on the desk.

Everyone stood except Katsuki. They gathered their things and separated into groups as they began to file out.


Katsuki blinked and looked up to the topic of his distraction.

Izuku Midoriya stood beside Katsuki's desk, eyes glancing nervously to the side as he gripped the edge of his notebook. "Uh, I noticed you were a little distracted in class today... So, I, uh, I was wondering if you wanted to borrow my notes to copy..."

"Hah?" Katsuki sneered and cocked a brow, head tilting. "You dumb fuck, I was paying plenty of attention!"

"O-oh!" Izuku jumped slightly, cheeks lighting up a bright red. "R-Right! I should have known! Sorry for disturbing you!" He bowed quickly in apology and hurried off after Uraraka and Iida.

Katsuki sighed, gathering his things as he stood. "Stupid Deku..."


Laughter erupted from the table behind him.

Instead of ignoring it like normal, Katsuki turned and paused.

Izuku grinned brightly, pink tinting his cheeks as he looked up at the student beside him- Shoto Todoroki.

The duel quirk user offered a slight smile back, eyes soft.

Katsuki's chest tightened and jaw clenched at the sight. No... He's mine... That smile should be for me... Not you, you Goddamned half-and-half bastard...

"Whoa, Bakugo!"

Kirishima's surprised gasp startled the blonde out of his furious daze. Katsuki turned back, blinking, then down to see that he had just used his explosive quirk on his water bottle.

The red head leaned over. "You okay, man?" He asked, concern dripping in his voice. "You haven't been yourself this week. What's going on?"

"Tch." Katsuki straightened up, then stood. "Nothing, shitty hair. Mind your own damn business," he managed to ground out, then carried his tray away.

He tossed the food he didn't eat and set the tray aside. He began to exit the cafeteria and looked back to Izuku.

The younger boy was watching him, worry glinting in his large, green eyes.

Katsuki sneered at him once again, raising his chin as he stormed out the doors and into the hallway. He stuffed his hands in his pockets, fists clenched tightly.

"Damn it... Damn him... Stupid fucking grin and his hideously giant eyes..." Katsuki began to slow down, head lowering. "I hate him..."


517 words.

Well, even though it's short, I think it's an okay start.

I hope you guys enjoyed it!

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