Chapter 6

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"Kacchan, look out-!"

Katsuki gasped and pivoted on his heel, swinging his arm out. An explosion burst from his hand, sending the creature flying back. "Fuck!"

Izuku leapt forward. "There's another one!"

"What!?" Katsuki snapped, twisting to look at the prowling creature. "Hallucinex only sends one at a time!" He clenched his fists, preparing for the creature to attack.

"K-Kacchan... I don't think these are Hallucinex's creatures..." Izuku's voice was shaky as he turned Katsuki's attention to a figure shrouded by the shadows cast by the trees.

The figure's eyes flashed violet and both creatures lunged.

"Shit-!" Katsuki cursed, gritting his teeth as he swung at the beast.

Green lightning surrounded Izuku as he threw his beast far beyond the treeline. "Kacchan! We have to leave!" He shouted, Katsuki prying the snarling creature off himself.

With a shout, he pressed his hands to the creature's chest and his explosions launched it away.

Izuku helped him to his feet and they both began to run, following the blue ribbons.

"How can there be another villain attack!?" Izuku gasped out, glancing behind them.

"How the fuck am I supposed to know!?" He shouted back, then grunted as a large force crashed into his chest.

Izuku skidded to a halt. "Kacchan!"

The breath in his lungs seemed to have left him as he hit the ground hard. Katsuki's eyes were unfocused, everything spinning. Izuku's voice was muffled, almost far-off sounding.

A weight was forced off his chest.

"Kacchan! Kacchan, answer me!"

As Izuku lifted his head, cool air rushed into his numb lungs, startling his mind back into focus. Katsuki gasped and coughed, pushing himself up.

"Shit! I didn't see you two there!"

Katsuki panted, looking up as Kirishima and Shoto ran over. He sneered at the sight of the duel quirk user and stood. Izuku tried to help, but the blonde only nudged him away. "Look where you're throwing things, you dipshit..."

Kirishima stopped in front of the two with Shoto. "Sorry, Bakugo man. We were fighting one of Hallucinex's creatures. But... Wait, why are you two running back? Aizawa hasn't ordered that yet."

Izuku looked up to them with wide eyes. "You mean... You weren't attacked by a villain..?"

Shoto and Kirishima both turned their confused looks to the slightly shorter boy. "Villain?" They both echoed.

"Yeah! One that can control these really strange creatures attacked us!"

"That can't be." Shoto shook his head. "That must be one of Hallucinex's illusions."

"No!" Izuku shouted, fists clenched. "We saw him and there were two creatures! Tell them, Kacchan!"

Katsuki looked down into Izuku's big green eyes, then sighed and rubbed the back of his head. "Maybe it really was just an illusion and we over reacted, Deku. Aizawa did say that the illusions were supposed to get harder to pass." He huffed and stuck his hands in his pockets.

Izuku's expression fell. "O-oh... Okay... Right, maybe... So, we should keep going..."

Shoto watched the two, then sighed. "Look, we can come with you two to check it out."

This seemed to ease Izuku and it pissed Katsuki off.

You damn icyhot bastard... This was supposed to be my time with him... Of course you feel like you should swoop in and make him feel better after I upset him...


The group of four walked back to the small clearing Katsuki and Izuku encountered the creatures and mysterious figure.

Shoto looked around, humming softly. "Well, I don't see anything out of the ordinary."

Izuku sighed, looking down. "I guess maybe it was just an illusion..."

Kirishima paused by a tree. "Uh, guys... Come check this out..."

The other three perked up and came over.

"Either of you two bleeding?"



Kirishima pointed to the roots of a tree where a smear of fresh blood was found. "The illusions don't bleed..."

A deep growl caused all four boys to freeze in their spots.

"You brought more toys for my kittens~! How nice~!"


664 words

Yeah, okay.

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