Chapter 15

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"What the fuck!?"

Katsuki stormed over, slamming his hand on the lockers. An explosion burst from his fist, startling Izuku. Shoto just looked at Katsuki with an emotionless expression.

"What the fuck do you think you're fucking doing, half and half!?" Katsuki snarled, keeping himself in between his boyfriend and his rival.

Shoto raised a brow and crossed his arms. "I'm simply expressing my true feelings for Midoriya. Are you just mad because I got to it first?"

The explosive quirk user sneered. "You wanna know what, shit-face!? I already did express my feelings for him!"

This caused Shoto's eyes to widen slightly and he looked to the green haired boy.

Izuku grabbed Katsuki's arm, trying to pull him away. "Kacchan, please... Let's just go. You can't fight on school grounds." His cheeks were flushed red in embarassment.

Katsuki scoffed, leaning back. "Fine. Icyhot isn't worth my damn time anyway." He muttered, taking Izuku's hand and storming out.

"Ah, Kacchan! Wait! I-I'm sorry, Todoroki! Maybe we can-!" Izuku was cut off as Katsuki slammed the door. "Kacchan!"

Shoto was just left standing there in some kind of state of shock.


"K-Kacchan- wait!" Izuku hurried to keep up with Katsuki's big strides. He gasped as the blonde abruptly stopped. "Kacchan, what is it? What- oh!"

Katsuki pivoted, pinning Izuku to the wall. He crashed his lips against the green-haired boy's, pressing into him.

Izuku melted into the rough kiss, wrists held against the wall. He panted softly as their lips parted. "Kacchan..." He whispered, smiling as Katsuki's grip loosened.

The blonde kissed him softly, rolling his wrists to weave his fingers through Izuku's. The shorter boy pressed into Katsuki.

"You're mine," Katsuki muttered, resting his forehead against Izuku's.

"I know I am..." He squeezed Katsuki's hands, looking up to him. "You're mine..."

Katsuki huffed, but smiled, kissing Izuku's nose. "Damn straight..."

Izuku giggled, biting his lip. "I wanted to tell him... That we're together... But I knew you weren't ready to tell anyone yet... I just wasn't expecting him to kiss me..." He explained quietly.

"Yeah... I heard the whole thing... I wasn't expecting him to kiss you either... It really pissed me off."

"Oh, really? I couldn't tell."

"Oh, shut up, smartass."

The green haired teen grinned and pecked Katsuki's lips. "You know, you're kinda cute when you're jealous."

Katsuki growled, gripping Izuku's hands. "I am not cute."

Izuku laughed. "Okay! Fine!"

Sighing, Katsuki let go of Izuku's hands to hug his waist. He nuzzled into Izuku's neck. "Punch him in the throat next time he tried to kiss you."

"I will..." Izuku whispered and kissed Katsuki's head. "I feel kinda bad..."

Katsuki leaned back, raising a brow to his shorter boyfriend. "Feel bad about what?"

"Well, I didn't know Todoroki had feelings for me... Especially feelings so strong..." Izuku blushed, looking away.

"Hey, hey. You aren't having second thoughts, are you?" Katsuki gripped Izuku tighter, panic making his heart race.

Izuku's eyes widened and he looked back up to Katsuki. "No, no! Not at all, Kacchan!" He grabbed Katsuki's face, pressing their foreheads together. "I just feel bad, is all. Even though I feel bad for him, I still love you..."

The blonde's eyes widened, breath catching in his throat. His heart beat faster as he looked into Izuku's eyes. "You... You love me..?"

The green-haired boy smiled softly and nodded, running his thumb under Katsuki's eye. "Yeah... I love you... Just you, Kacchan..."

Katsuki gulped, nuzzling quickly back into Izuku's neck so the other boy wouldn't see his cheeks flare a bright red.

"I... I love you, too..."


605 words

Fuckin yeah! I kinda like jealous Kacchan.

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