Chapter 8

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Izuku's shaky hands raised to the knife in his abdomen. He stumbled slightly before his eyes rolled and he collapsed.

It all seemed to move in slow motion for Katsuki, feet seemingly glued to the ground. He was unable to move, eyes burning with building tears.

"No... No!"

He was finally free. Katsuki ran across the clearing and fell to his knees beside the green-haired boy. "Deku! Deku, look at me!"

Izuku's eyes were open, but unfocused. His body was still.

Katsuki's breath spiked with his heartbeat. He grabbed Izuku's face. "Stay awake! You need to stay awake, damnit!" No response. "Deku, do you hear me!?" He pulled Izuku's body up into his arms, his tears finally spilling down his cheeks.

The blonde trembled as he held the unmoving boy close to himself. "Deku, look at me! Focus, you dumbass!" Katsuki snapped, pulling him closer.

That was when he finally noticed Izuku wasn't breathing. Katsuki's eyes widened, chest heaving. "No, no, no..!"

He carefully lay Izuku back down and entwined his shaking fingers. Gritting his teeth, Katsuki placed the heel of his hand onto Izuku's sternum and started compressing firmly. "You have to keep breathing! Keep breathing, you fucking idiot!"

Katsuki panted, tears blurring his eyes. His shoulders ached, but he had to keep this up.

"Look at me, damnit! Deku, you have to stay with me! Breathe! Breathe!" Katsuki began to beg, voice breaking horribly.


"Baku- oh my God!"

"Over here! Now!"

Kirishima and Shoto rushed over, pro-heros on their tails.

"What happened!?" Kirishima fell to his knees beside Katsuki, grabbing his shoulder.

"FUCK OFF!" Katsuki snapped at the red head, not letting up his efforts. "I need him to breathe! He's not breathing!"

"Bakugo..." A large hand was placed on his shoulder and he shrugged them off without stopping.

"Get the fuck away from me! I can't stop or he'll die!"

"Aizawa, the E.M.T.'s are almost here!" A hero shouted.

Aizawa leaned over, trying to take over. Katsuki shoved him away. "Did you hear that? Medical help is on the way."

"I heard and I don't give a damn! If I stop, he's not gonna make it, so back the fuck up!" Katsuki heaved, every inch of his body riddled with panic and fear.

He has to make it! He has to be okay!

Katsuki gasped, eyes widening as he was pulled away. "No! No, what the fuck are you doing!? Let me go! No!" He thrashed and screamed, quirk going off as he attempted to escape. "Let me go, damnit!"

Izuku was lifted onto a stretcher and rushed into a helicopter. Katsuki screamed, kicking and flailing his arms, trying to get a hit on the hero holding him back.

"Let me go to him! Let me go! Izuku! IZUKU!"


468 words

And back to short chapters. :)

Finished just in time to go to work, too!

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