Chapter 14

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"Hey, Deku!" Mina sang, head in her hands as she propped her elbows on his desk.

Izuku perked up. "Hi, Mina! What's up?"

The pink haired girl grinned. "You and Bakugo have been pretty close lately, don't you think?"

"Ah..." Izuku glanced to the empty seat in front of him. "I guess so. I mean, he did save my life and stuff. I think he's letting me stick around because he was there, is all." He grinned sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck. "He might get tired of me sooner or later, though."

Mina hummed and nodded, Denki behind her.

"Ahh, man. I still feel like shit about that," Denki muttered, rubbing the back of his head. "You four were attacked and we didn't know until too late. I'm just glad you are okay." He smiled down at the green haired teen.

Izuku smiled back. "Yeah, me too! It's all thanks to Kacchan, though. He's gonna be a great hero."

He caught Katsuki's eyes as the blonde stood in the doorway. He smiled wider and Katsuki smiled softly back.



"Oh, Todoroki!" Izuku grinned, closing his locker. "You did great, today!"

Shoto smiled and nodded. "Thank you... Midoriya, I have to ask you something." He murmured, standing in front of the shorter boy.

Izuku tilted his head. "Sure, Todoroki. What is it?" This wasn't going to be like one of those times Katsuki says he has to ask a question, then pulls him away and kisses him breathless. However, it was like he was conditioned. He tingled excitedly, thinking about Katsuki holding him tightly, kissing him like his life depended on it.

"I know you said it was because he saved your life, but... Why do you stick so close to Bakugo..?" Shoto asked, hands in his pockets. Izuku blinked, bringing his hands up to his chest. "Midoriya, you said he bullied you growing up... He still bullied you our entire first year. He called you worthless and kept saying you'd never amount to anything..."

The green haired boy swallowed and looked away. "I... I don't know... I mean... I've always admired Kacchan. He's strong, determined... He knows what he wants. Those are all qualities I admire and wish I had." Izuku fiddled with his thumbs, blushing slightly as he thought about all the other reasons he stayed close to the boy he grew up with.

Shoto furrowed his brows. "What are you talking about? You do have those qualities. You just express them differently." Izuku looked up to him. "Those are what I admire about you. You are stronger than anyone I know. You're so determined to help people more than you are to being a pro hero, like Bakugo. You do know what you want and you work harder than anyone else, no matter the risk to yourself. Midoriya, you are the kindest person I know... You helped me see that my power was my own..." He raised his fist, looking down at it. "You showed me that my quirk is my own... Not my father's... And because of that, you lost... I've... I've always felt a connection with you, since."

Izuku stared up at Shoto, surprised as the duel quirk user took his hands. "You're special, Midoriya..." He whispered as he leaned in.

The one for all user blushed harder, eyes wide. "W-wait, Todoroki-!" He gasped as his waist was grabbed.

Heated lips pressed against his own, shocking the boy still. Todoroki's cold hand slid up and into Izuku's hair, holding him close.

"What the fuck!?"


591 words

Oh, fuck XD

I had my wisdom teeth finally removed yesterday after I posted yesterday's chapter

My face HURTS

And my diet is strictly ice cream, yogurt, Jello and pudding

I'm living the fuckin high life

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