Chapter 23

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Katsuki breathed deeply, staring at the ceiling.

Izuku was curled into his side, fast asleep. Katsuki's arm was asleep, but he didn't want to wake Izuku just so he'd move.

He looked down to the boy in his arms and smiled.

The two nights he spent away from Izuku, he had nightmares. They were worse than before when he did have Izuku in his arms. Far more vivid. Harder to escape.

However, he finally slept peacefully again with Izuku back in his arms.



"Good morning..."

Katsuki smiled and kissed his head. "Good morning, Deku."

Izuku smiled tiredly up at him and rolled onto his chest.

The blonde shifted, sliding his hands down Izuku's back. "What're you up to?"

"Do I have to be up to something?" Izuku mused, looking down at his boyfriend.

"I guess not." Katsuki hummed, reaching up to touch Izuku's freckled cheeks.

Izuku hummed and leaned into the touch. "I love you, Kacchan... Please don't ever doubt that..."

Katsuki smiled. "Yeah, but was it so bad proving that you actually love me? I mean, the sex was fantastic-"

"Oh my God!" Izuku laughed, hitting Katsuki's arm.

"Don't be embarrassed, that thing you did with your hips was amazing-"

"Shut up!" Izuku whined, dropping himself on Katsuki's chest.

The blonde laughed, wrapping his arms tightly around Izuku. "You are too fuckin' cute for your own good, Deku."

The green haired boy huffed, face a bright red. "You're so mean to me, Kacchan."

"Nah... I'm just teasing you." Katsuki rolled them over so he was on top, tangling the covers around them. He propped himself up to look down at his flustered boyfriend.

Izuku pouted. Katsuki chuckled and kissed him softly. The green haired boy relaxed into the kiss, sliding his arms over Katsuki's shoulders.

Katsuku sighed, kissing Izuku's neck. The green haired boy hummed, tilting his head back. He smiled as Katsuki buried his nose in the crook of his neck.

"Your pulse..."

Izuku blinked. "Yeah..? What about it, Kacchan..?"

Katsuki breathed deeply, taking Izuku's wrist. He gently pressed his thumb down on the other boy's pulse, closing his eyes. "It helps me sleep... It relaxes me and... It reassures me that you're here with me... It reassures me that I didn't loose you that day... It's the only thing that can get rid of my nightmares..."

"Kacchan..." Izuku smiled softly, tangling his fingers in Katsuki's hair. "I'm not going anywhere... It's because of you that I'm here with you... That I have a pulse..."

The blonde nodded slowly. "I love you, Izuku..."

"I love you, too, Katsuki..."


432 words

Fluffy ending!!!!

Bro, I'm a TodoDeku shipper, but writing this almost fuckin' turned me

Even though

Some people are a bit OOC here

And I'm not very far in the series just yet

But I really hope y'all enjoyed this fanfic!

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