Chapter 2

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Oh my God... His ass...

Katsuki stared, his tank top only half on.

Izuku had the leggings to his costume on, shirt in his hands. He smiled and talked to Iida, but the blonde across the room was too distracted to notice.

Katsuki gulped as Izuku tilted his hips. His thighs, thick with muscle, supported his round, pert ass. God, how Katsuki wanted to walk over and squeeze it.

His mouth and throat ran dry, teeth biting down on his lip as-

"Yo, Bakugo!"

The explosion quirk user jumped sightly as a hand slapped down on his back, startling his gaze away from the green-haired boy's buttocks. He looked back to Kirishima.

"Come on, man! It's time to go. Aizawa's gonna have our asses if we don't make it out in time." The red-headed boy grinned at Katsuki.

"Uh, right. Yeah." Katsuki hurriedly finished getting ready and started to follow his friend. He glanced back to where Izuku stood, pausing as he realized the short boy was no longer there.

His head swivled as he searched, then stopped.

Izuku was trodding happily after Todoroki, grinning up at him as they talked about something Katsuki couldn't quite hear.

A deep frown tugged on the blonde's lips, gut boiling furiously at the sight. He scoffed and stormed out of the locker room, right passed the two.

Little did he know, green eyes worriedly followed him.


"Todoroki, I'm worried about Kacchan."

Shoto tilted his head, looking down to Izuku. "Why are you worried about him? He doesn't care about you, you know," he pointed out rather bluntly with a loose gesture of his right hand.

Izuku sighed, fiddling with the hem of his glove. "I know, I guess I just can't help it... We have known each other nearly our whole lives, and it's weird to see him so distracted. I wonder if he's sick or if something is going on at home..."

With a hum, Shoto looked across the field to the blonde that was the current topic of conversation. "He looks fine to me."

The green-haired teen bit his lip. "Yeah, right now he does... But, like, yesterday... When he zoned out in class... That wasn't normal. Mm, I just wish we were still friends so he would really talk to me and actually tell me what's going on," Izuku murmured, adjusting his mask.

Shoto shrugged and returned his gaze to the boy beside him. "Maybe he's finally trying to manage his anger." He suggested, gently turning Izuku to face him away from Katsuki.

"Oh!" Izuku grinned and nodded. "Yes! I hope that's it! Oh, wait, that doesn't really sound like a Kacchan thing to do. Well, actually, maybe his mom is forcing him to, or maybe principal Nezu... Or Aizawa!"

The duel user smiled softly, shaking his head at the other boy's ramblings. "Maybe, Midoriya..."


478 words

Just trying to get into the flow of writing a story with different characters.

This is gonna be a little slow, but hopefully I can get the gist of it.

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