Chapter 11

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It's been two weeks since the attack, now.

Izuku was released from the hospital one week ago and has stayed with his mother since. Katsuki hasn't seen him since he found out he was really alive two days after the attack.

Katsuki didn't know if he could handle seeing the boy he grew up with. Would he break down? Would he lash out?

What about Izuku? Would he even want to see Katsuki? After all, it was his fault.

The blonde paused outside the classroom as he heard the commotion inside.

"It's good to see you, Deku!"

"Thanks, you too-"

"I'm so glad you're okay!"

"I took notes for you, Midoriya!"

"Oh, thanks, Iida!"

"I was so worried you weren't going to come back!"

The door opened, startling Katsuki.

Aizawa hummed and stepped to the side. "You're late, Bakugo."

Izuku looked up from the crowd surrounding him, eyes locking with Katsuki's.

Katsuki gulped and looked away before sauntering in. "Yeah... Whatever..."


Having Izuku sit behind him in class was distracting. Katsuki couldn't think straight.

If Izuku didn't hate him before, he certainly did now.

He sighed, walking through the quiet dorm hall. Katsuki's head hung, mind muddled.


Katsuki stopped in his tracks.

Izuku trodded over, hugging a towl to his chest. "Hey! I've been trying to find you all day! I've been wanting to ask you if you were okay. Kirishima said you had been hurt pretty bad during the fight, too, but didn't want Recovery Girl to help you. I was really worried that-"

"You were worried..?" Katsuki tilted his head, looking over his shoulder to the green-haired boy.

He blinked, then nodded. "Yeah! Of course I was! Kirishima said you were really upset about it. He also said... That you thought I died..."

Katsuki clenched his jaw. "Don't you blame me..?"

"What..? Blame you? Why would I-"

"Because I'm a fucking coward, stupid Deku!" Katsuki snapped, turning around to glare at Izuku.

The shorter boy jumped back, eyes widening.

"It's my fault you were hurt! I left you alone because my own damn pride was hurt! Because of that, you got pulled away and stabbed! It's because of me you were hurt, so blame me! Blame me, Deku!" Katsuki panted, tears rolling down his cheeks.

Izuku stared up at the blonde, eyes blown wide in shock. "K-Kacchan..."

Katsuki turned away, rubbing his eyes. "It's my fault you almost died... I left you alone... Then i distracted you and gave that damn villain an opening. I couldn't move... So he... He stabbed you... One of your lungs... If the heros didn't get there when they did, you would have died... And that's on me..."

"I-I..." Izuku gulped. He was still as Katsuki started to walk away. "Fine..."

The explosive quirk user paused. "What..?"

"I said 'fine!'" Izuku shouted.

Katsuki's eyes widened as he looked back. Izuku was shaking, eyes narrowed in a glare. "I blame you! Is that what you want to hear!? I blame you! This is your fault!"

His heart clenched as he listened, then he tensed at what Izuku said next.

"I blame you for me being alive!"


526 words

:) uh oh

Now what's gonna happen?

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