Chapter 18

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"Deku!? Deku, where are you!?"

Katsuki pivoted, terror piercing his entire being. A familiar forest surrounded him, darker than he remembered.

"Deku!" He called out, not receiving an answer.

He ran through the forest, but it was like there was no way out.

"It's your fault," Shoto's voice echoed.

"What is!? What's my fault!? I don't understand!" Katsuki shouted.

He gasped as he tripped, crossing his arms in front of his face as he fell into a pitch black hole.

Suddenly, he wasn't falling anymore.

Katsuki blinked, opening his eyes.

He stood in a bright clearing. It was silent. Too silent.

The blonde gulped, looking around. He looked to each side and behind him. When he turned back around, Izuku stood across the clearing.

Katsuki sighed in relief. "Deku, I've been-" he paused as he realized that he couldn't walk. He blinked and tried to move, but he couldn't. "Deku? Deku, what the hell is going on?"

Izuku only smiled at him.

When his vibrant green eyes closed, red started to drip slowly from his lips.

Katsuki's eyes widened, heart stopping cold at the sight.

Blood started to soak through Izuku's hero uniform, especially in his upper abdomen.



Katsuki sat upright, clutching his chest. He panted heavily, eyes wide.


The small, sleepy voice startled the blonde. He snapped his head back, looking to the boy beside him.

Izuku slowly sat up, yawning and rubbing his eye. "Kacchan, what is it..?" He muttered tiredly.

Katsuki gulped, steadily relaxing. He sighed and took one of Izuku's hands, kissing his knuckles. "Nothing, Deku... Go back to sleep..."

"You sure..?"

"Yeah... Just need to shit..."

Izuku huffed and nudged him before dropping back onto the bed. His sleepy muttering was too soft for Katsuki to hear over his erratic heartbeat.

Before he knew it, Izuku was fast asleep. Katsuki ran his fingers through his hair, trying to calm himself. He stood up and walked into the bathroom.

He started the shower and got undressed. Katsuki got into the shower once the water warmed up and he sighed. He closed his eyes, letting the water patter over his face and shoulders.

Katsuki took several deep breaths, just trying to get the image out of his mind.

The image of the worst moment of his life.


"It's been seven months, Kirishima..."

The red head sighed, leaning back in his seat. "Yeah... I know..." He tilted his coffee cup slightly.

Katsuki breathed deeply, rubbing his face. "I can't seem to stop the nightmares... Just holding him isn't enough anymore..."

"Have you talked to Aizawa?" Kirishima suggested, waving his hand.

"Uh, no. Why would I?" The blonde scoffed, leaning back as well.

"I dunno. I thought maybe he might have a suggestion." Kirishima took a drink of his coffee, shrugging. "What about Midoriya. Does he know you're having nightmares?"

Katsuki sighed, looking out the window. "I woke him the other night, but I think he was too tired to really realize why... Told him I just had to shit and he fell back asleep."

Kirishima laughed, setting his cup down. "Okay, well... If it works, it works... But I think you should at least tell him. You know he'll do whatever he can to help."

"Yeah, I know..." The blonde breathed deeply, then groaned. "I just don't want him to worry about that. He was the one that almost died, after all." He shifted in his seat, looking back to his friend.

"I remember. I was there."

"Yeah, that's why you're the only one I can talk to about this shit. You and Icyhot are the only ones who get it."

"And you refuse to talk to the bastard, right?"

Katsuki sneered, clenching his fist. "Everytime I see his damn face, I just wanna bash it into the fuckin' wall. It's been months since he kissed Deku, but it still pisses me off!" He ground out, glaring into his coffee.

Kirishima chuckled and nodded. "Look... Just talk to Midoriya, man." He stood up, carding his fingers through his spiky hair. "It won't kill you and it's not like he'll think about you differently. Let him help you if he can."

The explosive quirk user hummed and nodded, looking back out the window. "Yeah... Okay," he murmured, resting his chin in the palm of his hand.


721 words

Oof, nightmares are my fuckin' specialty. I seem to be good at fucking people up.

Some of my VLD readers can tell you after reading my one-shots XD

They hate me...

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