Chapter 21

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Katsuki brushed stray locks of hair out of Izuku's face, watching him fondly. He sat up, careful not to wake the boy beside him. The covers shifted with him and he paused.

The blonde bit his lip and hesitantly reached towards the scar. He gulped, tracing the jagged scar lightly with his thumb.

Izuku twitched, breath hitching. Katsuki quickly pulled away. He smiled and shook his head. Right... Ticklish.

Katsuki stood and stretched. He quietly opened his bag and got dressed in lounging clothes before leaving the room. He walked into the common area, yawning and ruffling his hair.

"Good morning, Bakugo!" Kirishima chimed.

The blonde responded with a grunt and a wave.

Denki perked up. "Hey, man! You're up later than usual."

"Yeah, did Midoriya keep you up," Sero snickered, getting a swift smack on his head from Mina. "Ow! Hey!"

Katsuki huffed and shrugged. "None of your guys' business. And don't go bothering Deku when he gets up."

"I can't believe you still call him Deku," Ochako added in, holding up a plate of breakfast. "Isn't that a name you started calling him to be mean when you were kids?" She asked with a tilt of her head.

"Then why do you call him Deku?" Katsuki quipped back, raising a brow at her.

Ochako huffed. "Because that was how he introduced himself to me!"

Katsuki shrugged. "I guess it just stuck, but it's really none of your damn business."

"So crude, first thing in the morning," Iida groaned, rubbing his temple.

Shoto walked it, adjusting his tie. "That's just how he is, Iida. You shouldn't worry about it too much."

The explosive quirk user glared at the duel quirk user. His glare was quickly returned.

"I'm surprised it hasn't worn off yet..."

Katsuki sneered. "Hah? The fuck are you talking about, icyhot?"

Shoto sat on the couch opposite of Kirishima and Denki. "Midoriya's transference." He stated like it was obvious.

"The fuck is that supposed to mean, shit-face?" Katsuki snarled, hitting his fist down on the counter.

"Aren't you supposed to be smart?" Shoto raised a brow and smirked in the slightest. "Transference is when oxytocin is released in the brain during adrenaline inducing situations, creating a bond in the mind. You happened to be there when his adrenaline had peaked and you had 'saved' him, so he feels bonded to you. He's mistaking his gratitude for love. This 'relationship' you two have won't last. His affections will wear off."

Katsuki swallowed hard, gripping the edge of the counter. "That's not..."

Everyone looked to Shoto, most of them with shocked looks on their faces.

The blonde shook slightly, eyes wide as he thought about it.

Why hadn't he thought about it before..? Did Izuku tell the truth when he said he was going to say Katsuki's name back in the forest..?

He looked down, breath shaky.

What if Shoto is right..?

"Oh, wow... Everyone is so quiet this morning..."

Everyone then slowly turned their gazes from Shoto to the sleepy Izuku as he dragged himself in, rubbing his eyes.

The green haired boy paused as he noticed. "Uh... Something wrong..?" He looked over to Katsuki and tensed up. "Kacchan? What's the matter..? What happened..?"

No one knew what to say. All were silent, waiting for Katsuki to respond.

Izuku hurried over and gently grabbed Katsuki's arm. "Kacchan, what's wrong? What is it..?"

Katsuki breathed in sharply, pulling his arm away. "Don't..."

"What? Kacchan, I-"

"I said don't!" He snapped, startling Izuku.

The green haired boy gulped and stepped back, hands over his chest. "K-Kacchan..?"

Katsuki sneered and walked away. "Just leave me the fuck alone, Deku..."


610 words


Well, Todoroki may be slightly OOC there >.>

Cocky bastard getting in Kacchan's head.

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