Chapter 7

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All four students turned, eyes wide as they looked to the villain behind them.

She giggled, cheeks tinted pink. One hand stroked the head of one of the creatures beside her. "Little Izu... You actually managed to hurt one of my babies!"

Katsuki looked over to the green haired boy. He was already in stance as well as the other two, all prepared for a fight.

"Today... Is going to be different from all the other attacks on your class, boys~," she crooned, the uninjured beast circling her to protect her. As she cackled, more figures began to pour out from the trees.

One by one, villains filed out until there were at least a dozen.

The blonde boy gulped, fists clenched. "We've fought villains like you before and won! We'll win again!"

The girl squealed in delight, eyes lighting up. "Oh, so cute~! You think you're going to win!"

One of the other villains stepped up, hands in the pockets of his overcoat. "We are not like villains you have fought before... Before, they underestimated your quirks and defiance." He looked up, eyes flashing red. "We are doing the opposite... Overestimating your abilities... Overestimating your convictions. Today will be the hardest battle you'll ever have to fight..."

Katsuki growled, fists popping angrily as he glared at the black-haired man before them.

"What if you still underestimate us?" Shoto raised his chin defiantly.

The man chuckled, green fire slowly beginning to rise up around his body. "Shoto Todoroki... That's impossible... Today... Even if you do win this battle... There will be loss... No matter how hard you try to prevent it..."

Kirishima stepped in front of his classmates, activating his quirk. "You'll end up just like the rest... Locked up or dead," the red head ground out, eyes narrowed.

"Mm... We'll just have to see about that, won't we?"


From there, things went to shit.

The four tried to stay together but the villains were trying too hard to separate them.

Katsuki knew that. He noticed it... But still, when Izuku bumped into him after having been hit, Katsuki shoved him off. "Get the FUCK out of my way, Deku!" He snapped, startling the smaller teen.

"But, Kacchan-!"

"You're in my way to damn much, you useless prick!" Katsuki shouted, the anger rooting from earlier. "Gah, whatever! Don't come crying to me when you can't fend off a few weak asshats like these guys!" He sneered before delving into the crowd of villains surrounding Kirishima.

Kirishima was panting hard, struggling to keep up his quirk as he fought. "Bakugo! Where's Deku!?" He asked once they were back-to-back.

"Tch," Katsuki's teeth clicked together. "He's fine! Just on the other side of the clearing by icyhot!" He aimed a blast at a charging opponent.

Shoto dropped down into their circle. "I'm over here, you dumbass!"

Katsuki's and Kirishima's eyes widened and bodies stiffened.

"You left Midoriya by himself!"


The next several minutes consisted of desperate lashing out.

"Deku!" Katsuki yelled above the noise but still received no response.


"Answer us, damnit! Deku, please!"

Shoto roared, stomping on the ground. Pillars of ice shot from the ground, capturing and throwing several villains. "MIDORIYA!"

Katsuki snarled as a villain grabbed him. He quickly yanked them off and threw them to the ground. "Get out of my way!"

Kirishima rammed into a villain readying themselves to attack Katsuki. "Bakugo! You go find Deku! Todoroki and I will hold these guys back!" He shouted, restraining the guy he tackled.

Shoto pivoted. "No, I'll go! He was the one who left Midoriya!"

"That doesn't matter!" Kirishima snapped back. "He's closer to where Deku was last seen and there's less villains by him because he's a close combat fighter while your powers reach further! You can keep them from following him!"

The duel quirk user clenched his jaw. "Fine! Go, before he gets hurt!" Shoto turned his icy glare to Katsuki.

Without a word, Katsuki took off into the trees.

"Deku! Deku, answer me!" Katsuki dodged branches, looking around and listening.

Panic coursed through his body, heart beating faster every moment he was without Izuku.

Broken branches caught his attention and he began to follow the path a recent fight had created.

Where are the heros, damnit!?


A scream caught him off guard.

A pained and panicked scream Katsuki hadn't heard in a very long time.

Without any mind to the twigs catching on his clothes or the roots attempting to impede his path, Katsuki bolted in the direction of the scream. He burst through the trees into another clearing, panting hard.

His eyes widened, body freezing up.

Izuku was dripping with blood, arms up in defense as a single villain attacked, not allowing any openings or giving Izuku any time to think.

"Deku!" Katsuki managed to shout, starting forward.

Startled, Izuku paused and looked up. Relief flooded his eyes and a small smile raised the corners of his lips.

His eyes suddenly blew wide, shoulders hunching over.

Katsuki skidded, heart clenching and stomach dropping.

The hooded villain drove his blade into Izuku's abdomen, glancing over his shoulder before disappearing into the trees.



863 words

Oh, they just keep getting longer.

I just couldn't seem to find a spot I wanted to end on.

Well, I finally found it, I guess >.<

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