Chapter 9

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The Bakugo household was nearly silent as Katsuki lay in his bed, staring up at the ceiling.

Katsuki felt... Nothing. He was numb. Even his mind was completely blank.

It's been like this for two days. Two days since the attack. Two days since Izuku was...

"Tch." Katsuki sat up, gripping the sheets.

"Katsuki... The detective and Mr. Aizawa are here..." Mitsuki cracked open his bedroom door.

He looked over to his mother, then sighed as he stood. "Coming..."


The young blonde sat on his couch, gaze downcast as his fingers entwined.

A detective sat across from him. She appeared to be roughly the same age as Aizawa. She had long, brunette hair and her eyes were an ashen sort of color. Aizawa stood beside her, having come to be a familiar face for Katsuki to speak to.

"Katsuki Bakugo... My name is Sakura Kitigira... I'm going to need to ask you some questions about the attack," she spoke in a soft voice.

Katsuki scoffed. "Well, obviously. Why else would you be here?"

"Katsuki!" Mitsuki reprimanded, but Sakura raised her hand.

"It's alright, ma'am... I was warned about his temper and it's common for people that have gone through this trauma to be angry or frustrated." Sakura sat up straight, clicking her pen. "Katsuki, I need to know how the fight began. You and Midoriya were the first ones attacked..."

The explosive quirk user breathed deeply and nodded. "Yeah... We were talking when it happened... I heard a growl and I thought it it was an illusion like the rest until the creature attacked us... Then a second one came out of no where and Dek- uh... Midoriya saw the person controlling the creatures. We ran, realizing it wasn't Hallucinex's illusions and we ran into Kirishima and Todoroki..."

Katsuki bit his lip, thumbs twiddling together as flashes appeared in his mind.

The detective nodded, taking notes.

"Anyway, uh... They thought it was an illusion... But Midoryia was freaked out enough that Todoroki offered to check it out... Kirishima saw the blood, and then... That's when the villains all came out..."

Sakura hummed. "So the fight was unprovoked?" Katsuki nodded, unable to take his eyes off the floor. "The one controlling the creatures- can you confirm this is her? I got a composite sketch based off the details Todoroki and Kirishima gave me."

Katsuki glanced up to the drawing she held up, then nodded. "Yeah... That's definitely her... But, uh... Her eyes, they... They glow purple..." He murmured before looking back down.

"Oh," Sakura quickly noted that on the page. "That's very helpful. Okay... At what time during the fight did you and Midoriya become separated..?" She asked, holding up her notepad, and Katsuki flinched.

"It... It was a couple minutes in... They had been trying to separate us, so we were trying to stay together, but... Kirishima got pulled away somehow and I couldn't see Todoroki... I assumed he was still by us so when I got angry with Midoriya, I ran to help Kirishima..." He explained, voice soft as he recalled the events.

"Angry?" Sakura echoed.

Katsuki twitched. "Yeah... I was already mad about a conversation we had before the attack and I couldn't stop thinking about it..."

Aizawa sighed, lowering his head.

"Okay..." Sakura mumbled softly to herself as she wrote. "When did you realize Midoriya had been left alone..?" She asked and he gulped.

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