Chapter 5

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Hot puffs of breath, light moans and whimpers filled the silence of Katsuki's room. Izuku's cheeks were flushed a bright red, naked body lain beneath Katsuki.

Admiring him, the blonde held him close and moved his hips.

Izuku's jaw dropped, back arching.


Red eyes snapped open and the blonde shot up in his bed, gasping. He gulped, gripping the covers.

Panting softly, Katsuki glancing to his clock. Four-fifty...

He breathed deeply and carded his fingers through his hair in an attempt to calm himself. As flashes of his dream filled his mind, he covered his mouth, staring at the foot of his bed.



"Hey, Deku."

Izuku looked up from tying a blue ribbon around a tree branch. "Yes, Kacchan?"

Katsuki tilted his head in a slight gesture. "Stay close. I ain't gonna fail this test just 'cause you take too damn long to tie a fuckin' knot."

Flustered, Izuku rushed to Katsuki's side. "R-right... Sorry," he apologized.

The taller boy only hummed, keeping his eyes ahead.

Every few meters or so, Izuku would stop and quickly tie a blue ribbon to a tree or shrub.

Today, Aizawa had brought out the class to a remote, privately owned forest for the students to be able to use their quirks. They were separated into teams of two, each group being assigned a color. They had to navigate their way through, marking their way back in case they need an escape or in case of an emergency for a pro to come rescue them more easily.

Katsuki had been unlucky enough to be paired with Izuku.

However... Maybe this was lucky. Maybe this was an opportunity he should take advantage of.

The explosive quirk user looked down to Izuku. The boy was focused on their surroundings, keeping an eye out for any creatures created by the pro hero, Halucinex. If you couldn't guess by his name, he creates mass illusions of whatever he wants. Luckily, he is limited to the amount of illusions he can create at a time so they ran into very few creatures to fight.

"Hey, Deku..."

Izuku perked up and looked over to him. "Yeah, Kacchan..?"

Katsuki kept his eyes ahead, worried that if he looked to the boy beside him he wouldn't be able to say it. "I need to ask you something."

"Oh." The green-haired boy blinked, eyes widened slightly in surprise. "Uh, yeah! Sure, go ahead!"

"Tch, I wasn't asking for your permission." He scoffed, causing Izuku to jump slightly.

"Right! Sorry!"

Shit... Sighing, Katsuki ran his fingers through his hair. "Do you... Have anyone you like..?"

Izuku seemed to taken aback by the question and he stopped in his tracks. Katsuki stopped as well when he noticed, looking back to him. Izuku's cheeks flared red and his thumbs began to,fiddle. He was unable to maintain eye contact. "Uh... Well, y-yes... Yeah, I do..."

After an awkward moment of silence, Izuku blushed harder and he quickly began to ramble.

His words slipped right over Katsuki's head as he stared.

Katsuki's fists clenched tightly, teeth grinding together. Hatred and jealousy bubbled up in his chest.

That Goddamned half and half, no good, worthless snake of a bastard!

Shoto had taken Izuku right out from under his nose and he didn't notice until too late.

However... He knew he had no one to blame but himself. This was his own fault for pushing the green-haired boy away. It was his own damn pride that caused this rift...

A low growl snapped Katsuki out of his enraged trance. He blinked, looking into the thick trees.

"A-anyway, I guess what I'm trying to say is... Is that I like-!"

"Shut up." Katsuki raised his hand, startling Izuku. He slowly stepped closer to the shadows, the growl nearing them. "Hear that..?"

"Yeah..." Izuku got into stance, trying to shake off his blush, then gasped and pivoted. "Kacchan, look out-!"


657 words

Oops, went a little over, but that's okay.

Anyway, who does Izuku like~?

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