Chapter 17

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Izuku started wearing Katsuki's sweaters and hoodies outside of their dorm rooms.

Katsuki really enjoyed seeing his smaller boyfriend wearing his already baggy goodies. It was just a milder form of hickeys.

Besides, the hoodies made him look even smaller and so fucking cute. Izuku was irresistible. Katsuki wanted to pull Izuku into his lap and bury himself the smaller boy's warmth. Especially since it's the middle of winter.

They've been going back and forth to each other's dorm rooms each night. Katsuki didn't care where he slept, so long as he could hold Izuku close and make sure he was safe.

Currently, they were in Izuku's room, laying on his bed. Katsuki lay only in his boxers as he admired his boyfriend.

Izuku lay on his stomach, typing on his laptop. He lay only in one of Katsuki's bigger hoodies and in rather skimpy, girlie looking underwear. It really complimented his ass.

Katsuki's eyes raked almost hungrily over the green haired boy's muscular thighs. He bit his lip as he gazed at the round, plump ass that was just there for the taking.

"Hey, Kacchan? What did you get for thirty-four? I'm having a hard time between A and C."

"Don't remember." Yeah, more like he wasn't paying attention.

Izuku huffed, shifting. "Gee, what a great study partner you are."


Katsuki's mouth watered, his dick hard before he even realized it. Without a single thought, he leaned over, grabbing Izuku's thigh.

"Kaccha- Kacchan!" Izuku yelped, face heating up quickly as the blonde bit down on his butt. He looked back to his boyfriend who seemed content as he kissed his newly made mark. "Wh-what was that for!?"

"Dunno... Just wanted to do it." Katsuki answered with a shrug.

Izuku huffed, looking back to his laptop. "Geez, you're such a perv..."

Katsuki shrugged. "It's not my fault you have such a bitable ass," he muttered, resulting in more flustered sputtering from his smaller boyfriend.

"You're not even doing the homework, are you?"

"No, not really."

"Why not?"

"Well, I think better in the mornings now that I have you to distract me every night." Katsuki sat back up, patting Izuku's butt as he did.

The one for all user groaned, rolling on his side. He paused as he spotted the tent in Katsuki's black boxers and blushed.

I've never actually seen Kacchan's dick before... He's only seen mine...

Izuku bit his lip and closed his laptop. He gulped and twisted around to face the blonde.

Katsuki raised a brow. "What?"

"Can I..?" He asked softly, pulling himself into Katsuki's lap.

The blonde gulped, cock twitching as Izuku got closer. "Can you what, stupid..? I can't read your fuckin' mind..."

Izuku looked up at Katsuki with his big green eyes. "Kacchan is always making me feel good... I wanna make Kacchan feel good, too..."

Katsuki looked away, trying to cover his blush. "S-sure... Do whatever you want..." He mumbled behind his hand.

The green haired boy smiled and tugged Katsuki's boxers down just enough for his hardened cock to spring out. He gasped, eyes widening. "Oh... Whoa... K-Kacchan..."

The blonde swallowed hard and peered down to his boyfriend. His eyes glimmered. "What..? Disappointed?"

Izuku shook his head. "I-it's just- it's so big, Kacchan!"

Katsuki smirked, lowering his hand from his face. "Like what you see, then?"

"Yes!" Izuku nodded, pulling himself closer. Katsuki couldn't help the bubble of pride in his chest as it built up. "I'm gonna taste it, okay..?"

"I said you can do whatever, Deku."


As Izuku wrapped his hand around the base of Katsuki's dick, a shiver shot up his spine. The blonde bit his lip, watching as Izuku circled his mouth around the tip.

Katsuki sighed at the warmth of his boyfriend's mouth, fingers curling into the bedding as Izuku lowered his head.

"Oh, fuck..." He groaned, breathing sharply as Izuku moved more.

So far, he was only bobbing his head around the tip, but that was enough to blow Katsuki's mind. So, when Izuku took more of his cock into his mouth, Katsuki's sounds were caught in his throat.

One hand tangled itself in Izuku's messy green hair, the other planted behind him to keep himself supported. "Fuck... Fucking- shit..." Katsuki panted, brows knit tightly.

Izuku popped off and swirled his tongue around him before dipping back down. He hummed, looking up to his blonde boyfriend. Katsuki's eyes were unfocused, cheeks flushed a bright red.

Proud of himself, Izuku decided to go further. He closed his eyes and dropped his head, taking the throbbing cock deeper into his mouth.

Katsuki gasped, dropping his head back. His hips twitched and his grip in Izuku's hair tightened. "Fuck-!" He hissed, gritting his teeth.

"Mm~..." Izuku bobbed his head faster, lightly squeezing Katsuki's base. He moaned as Katsuki tugged on his hair.

The blonde's eyes rolled back, lower gut tightening. "Fuck, fuck! F-Fuck, Izu-!" He gasped, clenching his jaw and hips jerking with release.

"Mm-!" Izuku's eyes shut tightly, surprised as Katsuki's dick thrusted into his throat and came. He looked up to his boyfriend as he slowly slid off.

Katsuki gulped, panting as he looked down to Izuku. Once they made eye contact, Izuku tilted his head and swallowed. Katsuki shuddered, eyeing the little bit of cum the dribbled from the corner of the other boy's lips.

He relaxed his grip on Izuku's hair, then wiped away the cum with his thumb.

Izuku smiled, sitting up in Katsuki's lap, fixing his boxers for him. "Did that feel good..?"

The blonde blinked, head still a little fuzzy. "Yeah," he nodded, kissing Izuku softly. "I think maybe a little too good..."


952 words


I don't remember the last time I wrote a BJ scene -_-

Please don't hate if it was bad, however, I do accept constructive criticism or tips.

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