Chapter 20

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Katsuki held onto Izuku's words all day.

"Kacchan... I... I want to go all the way with you..."

He bit his lip, looking out the window.

They obviously couldn't do it in the shower for their first time, especially before classes.

Still, Katsuki had been caught off guard. Sure, he wanted to go all the way with his boyfriend, he just was surprised.

So surprised that his fists exploded. He shattered the shower glass and destroyed his shampoo.

Now he has to stay in someone else's room while his bathroom is repaired. Obviously he was going to stay with his boyfriend, but is Izuku sure he's really ready for that? Is he ready for that commitment?

Katsuki's been dying to do that with him for the seven months they've been together and longer, but now that it's been brought up, he wasn't sure. Was it really okay?


The explosive quirk user snapped his head up. "Yeah?"

Aizawa raised a brow, holding out his hand. "Your homework?"

"Oh, yes." Katsuki reached into his bag and pulled out the paper. He handed it to his teacher.

"Pay attention. Stop zoning out."



"Kacchan, you've been really distracted today... Is it because of what I said..?"

Katsuki looked over to Izuku as he shifted nervously. His expression portrayed his worry.

"Yeah... It is..." The blonde sat beside Izuku, looking down.

Izuku gulped and bit his lip. "Kacchan... We don't... We don't have to-"

Katsuki shook his head. "No, that's not it," he muttered, grabbing his hand. "Deku-... Izuku, I've been wanting to... For a long time. I just wasn't expecting you to come out and say it, then I started thinking, you know, that maybe you weren't really sure if you were ready or if you thought you were ready because we do all the other stuff we do or because we've been together so seven months and some people have done it after being together for a shorter period of time and I just-"

"Kacchan!" Izuku shouted, squeezing Katsuki's hand. He grinned and giggled as Katsuki looked to him with wide eyes. "You're starting to sound like me... Oh, wow. Never thought I'd say that."

The explosive quirk user huffed, looking away.

Izuku shifted, then twisted and swung his leg. Katsuki gasped, eyes widening. He leaned back slightly and looked up as his boyfriend straddled his lap. "Kacchan... I've been thinking about it... I'm ready... I want this. I want you."

Katsuki gulped, then smirked, placing his hand on Izuku's waist. "Wow... Didn't think you had it in you to take charge like that."

"Mm, I guess there's still some things you have to learn about me, Kacchan." Izuku pecked his lips and pushed him back to lay on the bed. "For instance, I got lube and condoms in my desk drawer."

"Oh, yeah? I'm gonna have to take advantage of that." Katsuki reached up, tangling his fingers in Izuku's hair as he pulled him down.

Their lips connected softly, bodies pressing together. Katsuki rolled them over, chuckling as Izuku tugged on his uniform jacket. "Eager," He teased, kissing down Izuku's neck.

The green haired boy sighed, tilting his head back. "I'm just... Ready..."

"Good," Katsuki sighed, holding him by his waist.

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