Chapter 19

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Izuku watched Katsuki's peaceful expression as he slept.

He trailed his fingers down the side of his boyfriend's face. His other hand tangled in Katsuki's hair.

The blonde hummed and shifted, arms tightening around Izuku's waist. The smaller boy smiled, their legs hooking together.


"Yes, Kacchan..?"

Katsuki's eyes opened slowly and he sighed as he woke. "Deku..?"

"I'm here, Kacchan." Izuku kissed Katsuki's forehead.

The blonde yawn, pulling his smaller boyfriend closer. "You smell like shit..."

Izuku laughed. "That's your fault. You were the one who wouldn't let me go when I said I needed to shower." He mused, playing with Katsuki's hair.

Katsuki groaned, untangling himself from the green haired boy. "Fine... Let's get in the shower, then."

"What?" Izuku sat up with him. "You want to shower together?"

"Why not?"

Izuku blushed, tugging at the ends of the hoodie's sleeves. "It's just... We haven't done anything like that before... Plus, we haven't been conpletely naked in front of each other yet."

Katsuki raised a brow and stood, stretching. "So? We've seen each other's dicks already so I don't see the big deal."

"K-Kacchan!" Izuku gasped, face lighting up.

The blonde chuckled, pulling Izuku to his feet. "Just come on, dork. You reek," he muttered, kissing his boyfriend's head.

Izuku huffed. "You're a jerk."

"Yeah, I know. You love me anyway."

The green haired boy smiled and nudged him. "I don't know why," he teased, taking off the hoodie.

Katsuki smiled, starting the shower. He turned to look to his shorter boyfriend, admiring his own marks on the boy's neck and shoulders. Katsuki bit his lip and grabbed Izuku's hips.

Izuku hummed, leaning back on him. "What is it, Kacchan?" He asked softly, tilting his head to look back at Katsuki.

"Nothing..." The blonde kissed him softly, swaying slowly. Izuku smiled into the kiss, fingers brushing against Katsuki's cheek. "Just wanted to hold you..."

"You hold me all the time, Kacchan..."

"I know... It makes me feel better..."

Izuku smiled softer, closing his eyes as he was held close. "Shouldn't we be getting in the shower..?" He whispered, smiling wider as Katsuki groaned.

"Yeah, I guess," he huffed and pulled away. He kicked off his boxers, chuckling as Izuku did the same. "Come on." Katsuki grabbed Izuku's hand and pulled him into the shower.

The water fell over them as they relaxed together. Katsuki had his arms around Izuku's waist, chin resting on his shoulder.

Izuku grabbed the shampoo bottle and blinked as it was snatched out of his hand. "Uh, Kacchan?"

"I'm gonna clean your hair."

"Oh, okay." The green haired boy closed his eyes, tilting his head as Katsuki massaged his scalp. He hummed and smiled. "That feels good, Kacchan..."

Katsuki chuckled. "Yeah?"

"Mm-hm..." Izuku leaned as Katsuki lead him back under the water to rinse out his hair.

"There..." The blonde muttered, grabbing Izuku's cheeks. The smaller boyfriend grinned as Katsuki kissed his nose. "Your hair isn't disgusting."

Izuku laughed. "What a relief," he mused, looking up to Katsuki.

He smirked, starting to scrub shampoo into his own hair. "God, you're such a dork."

"Well, I guess it's a good thing that I'm your dork." Izuku scrubbed himself down, then moved on to scrub Katsuki.

The one for all user blushed, biting his lip as he ran the loofah over Katsuki's toned chest. He breathed deeply and looked up into his boyfriend's piercing red eyes. "Kacchan... I... I want to go all the way with you..."


583 words

Fluffy naked shower time

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