Chapter 13

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"Good morning, Kacchan!" Izuku rushed up behind Katsuki, slowing down to walk beside him.

Katsuki huffed and raised a brow. "You're extra cheerful this morning," he muttered, letting Izuku take his hand. No one else was around to see.

Izuku grinned. "That's because we've been together for a week, now!"

"Hey, keep it down, stupid!" Katsuki flicked Izuku's forehead with his free hand. The shorter boy pouted, rubbing the red spot.

"I'm sorry, Kacchan. I'm just so happy..."

The blonde sighed and softly kissed Izuku's hand. "Yeah... Me too."

This caused the other to brighten up. He grinned and hummed the entire way to class, only upset when Katsuki let go of his hand so their classmates wouldn't see.


"Hey, Deku."

Izuku perked up, then said goodbye to Tokoyami before swerving around the benches to get across the locker room. "Yes, Kacchan?"

Katsuki gestured with his head, walking toward the stalls. "I need to ask you something." He muttered, making sure no one saw as he opened a stall door for Izuku.

The shorter boy grinned and slid in. "Sure, what is it?"

The blonde quickly locked the stall door and scoffed. He grabbed Izuku's hips and pulled him close.

Izuku couldn't help but smile into Katsuki's feverish kiss. His fingers tangles in Katsuki's hair, pressing his body into his boyfriend's.

"Fuck, nerd," Katsuki grumbled and lifted Izuku up by his thighs.

The green-haired boy gasped, then grinned, wrapping his legs around Katsuki. "So strong~..." He whispered, pressing another kiss to the blonde's lips.

His back pressed against the stall wall, Katsuki pressing into him as he deepened the kiss. Izuku moaned softly, cheeks red as Katsuki pulled back.

They both panted, holding onto each other almost like life-lines. Izuku caressed Katsuki's cheek, smiling fondly as he leans into the touch.

Katsuki closed his eyes, relaxing. He wrapped his arms around Izuku's waist and nuzzled into his neck.

Izuku stroked Katsuki's hair, eyes closing as well.

The blonde pressed his cheek against Izuku's pulse, the calming beat keeping him relaxed.

"Bakugo, Deku! What's keeping you guys!? We're about to start!"

Katsuki growled, raising his head. "I'm taking a shit! Get out, shitty hair!"

Izuku bit back a laugh. "Just washing my hands! I'll be out in a sec!"

Katsuki grumbled under his breath, nuzzling back into Izuku's neck.

The smaller boy smiled softly, resting his head on Katsuki's. "We should go..."

"Yeah, yeah... I know... Just... Just a few more seconds..."

"Alright, Kacchan..."


A soft knock sounded on Katsuki's dorm room door. He looked up from his homework. Who would visit him so late on the weekend?

"Come in!"

The door opened and closed softly. Katsuki relaxed and raised a brow as Izuku shuffled over, hugging a pillow to himself. "Hey, Kacchan..."

Katsuki set his textbook aside and pushed his chair away from the desk. With a simple gesture, Izuku crawled into his lap and curled up. "Hey, Deku..." He wrapped his arms around the boy and nuzzled into his hair. "Something wrong? Can't sleep?"

Izuku hummed, closing his eyes. "I just wanted to be close to you..." He murmured softly.

"Mm... Do you... Want to stay here tonight..?" Katsuki asked, chest warming at the thought of holding Izuku while they slept.

"That sounds nice." The green haired boy smiled. "You sure you don't mind..?"

"I was the one that asked, stupid."

Izuku giggled and nodded. "Right... Sorry..." He slid out of Katsuki's lap and lay down in tge bed.

Katsuki lay behind him, pulling the covers up.

His heart skipped happily as he pulled Izuku close, nuzzling his hair. The smaller boy hummed and curled up. Katsuki closed his eyes, arm hooked around Izuku's middle.

"Get some sleep..."

"You too, Kacchan..."


624 words

Lots of fluff is all this chapter is, and I love it.

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