Chapter 12

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"I blame you for me being alive!"

Katsuki's breath caught in his throat as he looked over his shoulder to the boy behind him. "What..?" His voice was shaky, not having expected that outburst.

Izuku clenched his fists, gripping his towel. "It's because of you that I'm alive, Kacchan!"


"Don't!" Izuku snapped, cutting the blonde off. "Don't you dare say it's your fault I almost died! It isn't! If you weren't there, I would have died!"

All Katsuki could do was stare, bewildered.

The green haired boy looked down, biting his lip. "Yeah... You left... But you left to help Kirishima and you thought Todoroki was near me..." He breathed deeply, fingers toying absentmindedly at the towel.

Katsuki looked away, gritting his teeth. "And what about that villain that stabbed you? You gonna say that I couldn't have helped you anyway?" He grumbled, flashes of the cloaked villain plaguing his mind.

"That's not it!" Izuku looked up to the back of Katsuki's head. "Kacchan, I didn't stand a chance against that villain... He was going to kill me. He was too fast for me. He was way too unpredictable. I couldn't keep up, I couldn't think up a plan to take him down or to even fight back and escape... I didn't even know what his quirk was... He was going for the kill. The moment I got to slow or accidentally opened myself up to an attack...

"Kacchan, he was going to stab me and stay to make sure I was dead. That was his plan." Izuku spoke softer, shoulders relaxing.

Katsuki bit his lip, eyes stinging with tears he refused to let fall.

Izuku gulped, hesitating before taking a step closer. "Then you came, Kacchan... You showed up and called out to me... Yes, you distracted me, but you also distracted the villain..."

The explosive quirk user turned around, eyes wide once again.

The slightly shorter boy smiled a reassuring smile, tears in his eyes as well. "Because you were there, he couldn't stab me in a worse place... Because you were there, he had to run away before making sure I was dead..." Izuku stepped closer and reached out to Katsuki.

Before he knew it, tears were streaking his cheeks as Izuku took his hand.

"You were there, so you performed CPR on me. Yoy kept my heart beating. You kept my blood flowing through my body... Because you did this, the doctors were able to save me." Izuku squeezed Katsuki's hand. "You saved my life. I'm alive because of you, Kacchan," he whispered.

Katsuki stared down at Izuku for a silent moment before yanking him in.

Izuku gasped, dropping his towel. His eyes blew wide open as lips pressed desperately to his own. He slowly melted into Katsuki, free hand tangling in the blonde's hair.

Katsuki's arm hooked around Izuku's waist, holding him flush against himself. The kiss was feverish, passionate. Katsuki didn't want to let him go.

They both panted softly as their lips parted. Izuku looked up into Katsuki's eyes, cheeks pink. "Kacchan..."

"Deku..." Katsuki whispered and leaned back in, then paused. He swallowed hard and pulled away.

Izuku blinked, confused. "Kacchan..? What's the matter..?"

"I shouldn't have done that..." He grumbled, running his fingers through his hair. He stepped back as the smaller boy stepped forward. "You... You like half and- uh... Todoroki..."

"I..." The green haired boy stared up at Katsuki, then grinned and snickered softly. "Where did you get that idea, Kacchan?"

"Hah?" Katsuki looked back up at him. "The fuck are you talking about? You said back in the forest-" He started to explain, only to be cut off by soft lips.

Izuku smiled, curling his fingers in Katsuki's shirt. "I didn't say anyone's name, stupid. I was going to, but then you stopped me." He murmured with a coy grin.

Katsuki raised a brow. "Then who's fucking name were you going to say?"

The shorter boy huffed and rolled his eyes. "Yours, stupid. I was gonna say your name. I like you, Kacchan. I've liked you for a long time..." His voice dropped into a softer tone, cheeks darkening as he spoke.

"Oh..." Was all Katsuki could manage as he looked into Izuku's eyes. He gulped, then let himself be pulled down into a softer kiss.

His eyes closed and his hands slid around Izuku's waist. Katsuki pulled the other boy closer, relishing in his warmth. One of his hands trailed up and cupped around his neck. He could feel Izuku's pulse beating against his palm. It set Katsuki at ease.

This isn't a dream. This is real... He's alive... He's okay... And, oh my God, he's kissing me...

"I like you, Kacchan," Izuku breathed out as they pulled apart.

Katsuki hummed, thumb swiping softly over Izuku's jaw. "I like you, too, Izuku..."

That made the other boy grin, eyes shimmering happily.


"You said my real name... I don't remember the last time you said my real name..."

Katsuki huffed and leaned back in for another kiss. "Don't get used to it, dork..."


846 words

Awwww! >.<

They finally kissed!

I wonder what Todoroki will think about this.

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