005: You're Undead to Me

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Blake goes downstairs first thing and she takes some pain relievers and pours herself a cup of coffee. She and Jenna both ended up finding Vicki in the house, Jeremy had kept her all night. Blake leans against the counter with the steaming cup of coffee and closes her eyes as the throbbing in her head continues. She woke up with a headache.

"Jenna, Blake!" Elena whispers/yells as she comes into the kitchen where both aunts are. "Are you aware of what's going on upstairs?"

"Uh-huh," Blake replies before she takes a sip of the hot substance and she lets out a pleasurable sigh at the taste.

"And you guys have no objection?" Elena asks.

"He could be craftier about it, at least make a effort to sneak her in and out," Jenna replies.  "Oh, and just so you know, I won't be home for dinner."

"So you're acruslly going to do it," Elena muses. "You're gonna go out with Logan?"

"You sound like Blake," Jenna grumbles. "I'm going to show up and torture him. And... have you heard from Stefan?"

"Not sine he left that very vague message three days ago," Elena replies. "Hi, um, Elena, I, um, have something I have to do, I'll, uh, explain in a few days."

"Have you called him?" Blake asks, she's dressed for work in her jeans, but she's in a training bra with her work shirt on the counter.

"Nope," Elena replies. "Not going to either."

"And you're ok with that?" Jenna asks.

"No. I'm not ok with any of it," Elena replies. "But I'm not gonna cry about it, either. You know, I was going to write in my diary this morning and then I thought, what am I going to write? Honestly, I'm not gonna he one of those pathetic girls whose world stops spinning because of some guy."

"Smart girl," Blake mumbles. "No male is worth that."

"Ok then," Jenna mumbles.

"I'll be fine," Elena claims.

"Well," Blake says as she puts her cup in the sink and outskirts her work shirt over her head, "I'm out of here. See you guys later." She smiles at Jenna and Elena before going out to her car, and driving to the Mystic Grill.

"Gilbert," Robert says as he approaches the bar when Colby leaves. "Can you pull a double? Our next shift bailed."

"Of course," Blake reploes as she runs her hands on the hip apron that the locals don't see. "Thanks did the opportunity."

Robert only nods and he heads to the back after thanking the woman. Blake sees Matt at the pool tables, alone until Elena wanders in,looking expectant as she looks around. When she fails to find who she's looking for, Elena looks disappointed as she walks toward the pool tables and she strikes a conversation with her ex boyfriend - Matt Donovan.

Blake goes back to the kitchen and gets a cup of coffee, she crumbles a vervain plant into the drink and stirs it before she drains the lukewarm coffee and she gets back to work. She hadn't heard from neither Aiden or Damon I'm three days and she has a strong feeling Stefan and that Zach Salvatore had something to do with their going missing.

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