034: The Descent

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Blake goes downstairs while baby John is in his nursery, Monique is getting him dressed - he will be where Blake is today. She missed him while she was stuck in the tomb with Katherine. She walks into the library and she sees Rose. She was bit by a female wolf friend of Mason's. Mason having other female friends is not a shocker to Blake. And now Rose is dying.

Aiden walks into the room, carrying a blood bag. Blake walks over to the drink table and hours her some bourbon. She puts some vervain inside of it and she drains the substance. Elijah had compelled Rose's VAMPIRE friend, Slater so Blake needs to keep the vervain in her system, more now than ever. When baby John reaches a year old, Blake will start putting vervain into his milk.

Monique carries baby John down and hands him to Blake. She goes to help ease Rose's pain, even if the spell she will cast will only be temporary. Blake puts the cargo sling on and she secures John in it and she leaves the house with her baby boy.

Blake goes to the Grill. Liz gasps from the be.

"Hey, sheriff," Blake greets as she walks up.

"Hey, Blake," Liz greets. "Hi there, John."

"Sheriff Forbes, hi," a blonde female greets as she walks up. "Cute baby."

"Thanks," Blake replies and she sits in a stool, and has Tanya bring her a soda.

The blonde smiles and she turns her attention back to Liz. "I'm Mason Lockwood 's friend from Florida."

"Jules, right?" Liz asks as she looks at Jules.

"Is there any news?" Jules asks as Blake takes a sip of her soda.

"No one's heard from him," Liz replies. "I've opened am investigation...,"

Blake joins Alaric. "Hey, Ric."

"Hey," he greets. "You should fall Aiden."

Blake dials aidens number and it goes to voicemail. "Hey, Aiden. Jules is at the Grill." She hands up as Stefan joins them, Jules has gotten herself a table.

"Is thst the...?"

"Yeah, yeah," Alaric replies. "Blake just left Aiden a message."

"So, you guys are doing his dirty work for him?" Stefan asks cockily.

"She could have a cure for Rose," Blake says as she gets John out of his wrap and Alaric takes him.

"Hi, buddy," Alaric says in a baby voice to him.

"Mason told me a wolf bitch is fatal to a vampire," Blake says. "That's why he didn't want me around on full moons. He was with me and Katherine at the same time, but he did like me a little bit."

"Do you still know of a way to get in touch with Isobel?" Stefan asks Ric, who is now feeding John a bottle that Blake just made.

"Even if I did, she isn't gonna help," Alaric replies.

"Katherine said that Isobel knew of Klaus," Stefan says.

"So this isn't about rise, it's about Elena," Alaric concludes as he puts John up to his shoulder to burp him. "I ya e an old number,probably out of serious." When John lets out a small burp, Ric hands him back to Blake.

"No harm in giving it to me then?" Stefan inquires.

"You know you can't trust Isobel, even when it comes to Elena," Alaric says.

"I know who would help," Blake says when Alaric leaves. "You won't like it."

"Who?" Stefan asks as Blake secures baby John into the cargo sling again.

"My brother," Blake says. "John."

"That is actually a good idea," Stefan says. "We Can tell Aiden and Damon that we tried to contact Isobel, but found John instead. Call him."

Blake and baby John step outside, baby John is sleeping. Blake pulls her phone from her placket and goes to her big brother's contact, and calls.

"Blake Gilbert, as i kind and breath," John muses into the phone. "What's going on?"

Blake sighs. "We need you... It's Elena."

"Come pick me up at the airport," John says without hesitation. "I'd like to see my baby sister again, anyhow. Tonight?"

"You got it."

After a few hours, Aiden texted Blake - saying that Rose is dead, he was the one who had to stake her. That made Blake sad but she's at the airport in Richmond right now. John is walking over.

"Blake," he coos amd hugs her. "I have a nephew?"

"I adopted him, and was able to name him," Blake says. "John Grayson Gilbert."

John smiles. "Can I?"

Blake hands baby John to big John. John looks down at his nephew and smiles, baby John grins back.

"Let's go to Elena's," Blake says and they go to her car.

Elena walks in and she sees Blake, baby John is asleep in the play pen Elena made Jeremy bring down.

"Aunt Blake, you're here," Elena smiles.

"I got Aiden's text," Blake says sadly. "Stefan and I...we texted Isobel," she lies.

"I know," Elena replies.

"I'm sorry," Blake coos. "We had to."

"It's okay, Blake," Elena claims. "Did you find her?"

"Not exactly," John says as he leaves the kitchen. "Hello, Elena."

"Uncle John..." Elena mutters as John drapes an arm over his sister's shoulders.

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