041: Klaus

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Blake had heard a cellar door open in the basement when Damon goes to sleep like his brothers. She kisses John on his forehead and she heads down to the basement. After grabbing herself a bloodbag, she walks over to the cellar door and spots Elijah without a dagger in his chest.

Blake steps inside the cellar and looks down at Elijah's body, confused. She smells human blood, and it isn't her son. Blake slowly turns and she sees Elena... Elena's leaning against the cellar wall, the dagger in her hands and dangling between her knees.

"Hey, aunt Blake," Elena greets. "You were awake?"

"Insomnia... did you forget?" Blake smirks as she sits beside her.

"Kind of," Elena whispers. "Is John sleeping?"

Blake nods, but before she can speak - Elijah jolts awake. Elena rushes over to his side.

"Elijah!" Elena gasps lightly.

Elijah looks up at her and shock floods his facial features. "Katerina!"

"Elijah!" Elena gasps. "It's me, it's Elena."

"Oh, my god..." Elijah gasps, out of breath.

His eyes close once more as Blake moves closer, and Elijah's body spasms and he jumps up, making Blake stumble back.

"I can't... I can't breath," Elijah gasps. "What's happening to me?" He rushes toward the door, but slams into the wall beside it.

Blake flashes over and holds him up.

Elijah gazes at her. "I can't... I can't be in this house."

"You're not invited in," Elena whispers in realization.

"Then get me out of here," Elijah demands and suddenly, he's gone after slamming into another wall.

Blake grabs Elena amd vamp speeds them to the door. Elijah is kneeled outside, in the fresh air. He gets up, and he rushes at Elena.

"What happened?" Elijah asks.

"Shh!" Blake hisses, and Elijah shoots his gaze at her. 'They can hear you,' she mouths to the original vampire.

"I'll tell you," Elena speaks softly to Elijah. "Not here. Can I trust you?"

Blake goes to write Monique a note, saying she's going out, and she heads back to the door in a vampire speed.

"Can I trust you?" Elijah whispers right back.

Elena lets the dagger slide from her sleeve and she extends it out to Elijah. He glances at the dagger and he grabs it.

"Blake comes with us," Elijah says.

"Already left Monique a note," Blake says as Elena looks at her pleadingly. "I knew Elijah would say for me to come along."

Elijah grins lightly.

"Hold on," Blake says.

She flashes downstairs and she grabs a few bloodbags. Blake then returns and she hands one to Elijah as she steps outside. Elijah uses his thumb to lifts Blake's face, and he examines her before he grins fondly.

"Shall we go?" Elijah asks softly, and Elena nods.

Elena drives a little ways as Elijah drinks on one of the other blood bags Blake brought strictly for him before she pulls off to the side of the road. Elena turns and she faces the original vampire beside her.

"You look better," Elena comments.

"Where did you get the dagger?" Elijah asks, jumping straight to the point.

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