020: Blood Brothers

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Blake changes into some nice jeans, a white blouse, some black flats, and her signature leather jacket. She is heading to work. Blake loves it at the Grill. Blake drives her car and parks beside William's hummer. Blake walks inside and finds him behind the bar.

"Hey, lake," Tanya greets. "You here all day?"

"Should be," Blake replies in her usual chirp mood. "Need any help waitressing today?"

"Sure," Tanya replies. "Parker never showed up."

"Maxwell, hand me an apron," Blake demands and William listens. "Let's work, Tanya."

William watches his fiancée in amazement.

Blake has been serving tables today, which makes the patrons love her even more. Tanya loves this about Blake, she loves having her as a boss. She's heard that Robert was always real strict and is glad she didn't work here while he was still manager and in Mystic Falls, Robert is now living in Daytona.

Blake groans as John walks in. "John."

"Blake, you're wasting tables too? You're awesome," John muses. "Water, please."

Blake nods and she walks up to the bar, and tells William she needs an ice water. She turns around and she sees Pearl sit with her brother. She scoffs before William places the water onto Blake's tray. The two smile lovingly at each other before Blake brings John his water.

"Would you like some water, too, Miss Pearl?" Blake asls in her kindest voice.

"No, thank you, dear," Pearl replies.

Blake simply nods and she walks away. William hides his smirk. His hair is tied in a bun, like Blake has made him do sicnr she became manager. If she's going to be behind a bar and pouring drinks, his hair is up or he wears a hairnet. So, William chose the man bun.

"Blake," John motions her over. "I'm buying Pearl and I a drink... Your best scotch?"

Blake smiles at her brother. "Right away, brother. Miss Pearl."

Blake walks up to the bar and tells William. Will pours two glasses of thd best scotch and puts them on Blake's tray. She thanks her fiancée before bringing the drinks to John's fable.

"Enjoy," Blake coos amd she goes to another table.

John returns to his table and Blake listens to their conversation as she wipes down empty tables.

"My apologies," John says to his guest.

"No apologies necessary," Pearl claims. "So, Tell me, mr. Gilbert, why should I let you have the device?"

"Bevauxe I can help you," John claims. "I'm connected around here. The Town's Council is eating out of my hand, one of them is my little sister. They do whatever I say, all but my sister. And I know that you just want to live your life. Complete with a white picket fence, and I can help you do that."

Pearl pauses. "But the device doesn't work. Why would you even want it?"

"It's a family heirloom," John replies. "Call me sentimental."

"Jonathan was ahead of his time," Pearl claims.

Blake decides to stop listening and she goes to John's table when Pearl leaves. "What was that?"

"Sorry you had to hear that," John admits. "I didn't mean anything bad by you."

"I know you didn't," Blake admits and she grabs the empty glasses, and returns the, to the kitchen to be cleaned and returned to the bar.

Blake closes up, then she and William go to the quarry. They sit on the grass and look out at the water together. Leaning against one another. Happy.

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