010:The Turning Point

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William, Blake, Aiden, and Damon are all sitting in the parlor / living room, Aiden is looking out the window. Blake and William are sitting on the same loveseat as the night before, and Damon is sitting in a chair. Stefan walks in, and he sees that they're is a full house, William has been staying there with Blake, Aiden and Damon allowed it.

"So, any idea where you'll go?" Stefan asks his the brunette brother.

"I don't know," Aiden replies. "London, maybe. See some friends,"

"Aiden, you have no friends," Blake mutters - she and Damon made up, and are friends again.

"You're right, Blake," Aiden says and he turns to his little brother and says, "I only have you and Damon. Where are we goin'?"

"We are not going anywhere," Stefan replies. "I'm going to live my life as far away from you two as possible."

"But we're a team!" Aiden enthuses as he walks closer to Stefan. "We could travel the world together. We could tryout for The Amazing Race."

"Mmm, that's funny," Stefan muses. "Seriously, where are you going? Because we are not staying here. We're leaving the house to William and Blake."

Before Aiden can reply, someone rings the doorbell. Stefan walks away to open the door, and he finds Liz Forbes.

"I'm here to see Damon and Blake," Liz says.

"Uh, sure ok."

Damon and Blake walk out of the living room, leaving William and Aiden alone.

"Sheriff," Damon muses as they get to the doorway. "What a surprise."

"Sorry to bother you guys, but we need to talk," sheriff Forbes informs the,.

"Come in," Blake coos.

Liz steps inside the house and Damon closes the door behind her. Both Damon and Blake lead Liz into the courtyard behind the house, and closes the door.

"Um, I hope you understand the secrecy," Damon claims. "Stefan doesn't know about this yet and I'd like to keep it that way." They purposely didn't bring up Aiden or William.

"Of course, kids are too young to be brought into this," Liz replies.

"So, what do you need?" Blake asks as she leans against the wall of the house.

"There's been another attack," Liz tells them and Blake tenses. "A female victim, her throat torn out, completely drained of blood. It fits the pattern."

"I'm sorry. I don't understand," Damon speaks in a low voice. "I thought we salved the problem when Aiden amd I..." he looks at the door and back. "...staked the blonde one."

"I'm thinking she must have turned someone," Liz claims. "Or multiple someones. I don't know." She lets out a soft sigh. "The story for the town is another animal attack but I'm not sure how long we can keep lying to them. The council is in an uproar. We thought we were past this."

"So, uh, what do we do?" Blake asks.

"I was hoping you guys could tell us," Liz admits.

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