019: Miss Mystic Falls

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"Hey, she..." Blake goes to greet as she enters the Founder's Hall, but stops herself when the finds Damon, Aiden, and John. "Oh. What happened?" She asks as she joins the group.

"There was a disturbance at the local blood bank last night;" Liz explains. "Some of the supply was compromised."

"Compromised?" Aidem rises an eyebrow. "You mean stolen?"

"We almost missed it," Liz claims. "The inventory records were altered but when the night manager was questioned, he had no recollection of changing them."

"Meaning that the vampire who stole the blood used mind control to hide the theft," John says to the brothers.

"We know what you meant," Damon sneers as he looks at John.

"We wouldn't have noticed had John not alerted us to recent discrepancies in other blood banks in the county," Liz says.

"How lucky for us, we have John," Aiden says sarcastically.

"I have to go," Blake says. "Gotta swing by the Grill. The first event of this founder's celebration countdown is coming up. Mayor Lockwood wants me there."

"Go," John urges as he kisses his sisters head. "We' d got this."

"Be good, brother," Blake demands amd she leaves.

Blake stops by the Grill and sees things running steadily. She's wearing some faded jeans, a white button down top, a leather jacket, and some wedges. Everyone compliments her as she wanders to the bar.

"How'd thongs go while I was at founder's hall?" Blake asks.

"Good," William replies. "How'd that go?"

"More blood bank thefts," Blake whispers.

"Is it Stefan?" William whispers.

Blake nods. "I think so."

William touches Blake's hand. "You can go in your office for some stuff if you want."

Blake hods and she heads into her office to get some work done before she has to be at the Miss Mystic a Falls event that's coming up. Right around the corner.

Blake leaves her office and feels like she is going to blow. William notices and he pours her some bourbon.

"Here," William scoots the glass across the bar. "You need it before your head blows off."

Blake sends him a weak smile before she drains the glass. "How did Robert do it?"

"He stayed hidden in that office," William replies. "I hope this job doesn't ruin you. You're such an amazing soul, Blake."

Blake smiles. "I'll try not to let it."

William touches her arm gently. "I love you."

Blake smiles, her heart warming. "I love you, too, William."

Blake dresses in a black dresses with gashes all around the neckline and the skirt of the dress stops right above Blake's knee. She's wearing some cute shoes and her leather jacket, too. She got dressed in her office at the Grill and now, she just left it.

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