023: The Return

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That same day, Aiden and Blake tell, Elena, and Stefan What happened and they bring William to the quarry. Just the two of them. Blake looks over the water fall and I tot he water. She's broken but as she promised William, she promised she wouldn't let this break her.

"This is what William would've wanted," Blake whispers. "He didn't even go by the Harvey name. He told me... he told me that he didn't want to be in the crypt. He wanted to be dropped into the quarry."

"Let's do This," Aiden says. "Let's pray first."

Aiden grabs Blake and they say a quick prayer before Blake kisses William's grey forehead, and they let his body go down and splash into the water be,ow. Blake collapses into Aiden's arms and she cries even more.

Blake rushes into Elena's after getting called. John was just taken away by an ambulance. Katherine had gotten to him, too.

"You look horrible," Elena gasps. "What happened?"

"I fo... I found William dead," Blake replies shakily. "He was staked."

Elena gasps and she hugs her aunt right as Stefan walks in. Jeremy has taken some pills to try and kill himself to become a vampire. That's why Elena had called Blake. No one mentioned John to her. Elena tells Stefan Jeremy's ok.

"I'm going to the hospital," Blake says. "I... i need to be with my brother."

"Go, we'll be fine here," Elena assures her aunt. "And I amd o very sorry about William."

"What happened to William?" Stfan asks as Blake leaves for the hospital.

"Aunt Blake found him dead this morning," Elena replies with a grown, and then they head to Jeremy's room.

"Liz," Blake greets as she walks in.

"Blake, I am sorry about William," Liz says - everyone thinks it was a tragic car accident. "It was a devastating loss."

"Thank you," Blake says. "What're you doing here?"

"Caroline... she was in a bad car accident," Liz whimpers.

Blake hugs Liz as Damon and Aiden begins walking over. "Caroline is as tough as she is stubborn, Liz. She's going to be ok."

Liz sniffles as they pull away. "Thanks. Again, I'm so sorry for your loss. I know you loved William."

Blake smirks before she walks down the halls and finds John's room. His fingers were cut off, but they're sewed back on now.

"Blake," John muses. "How's the fiancée?"

"I found him dead this morning," Blake says. "A stake isn't he heart... did you have anything to do with that?"

"Did I do something to alter your happiness?" John asks, looking almost offended as Blake sits on the bed beside him. "Hell no, I had absolutely nothing to do with William's death. Didn't you say he and Katherine were enemies?"

"He told me so, yes," Blake replies.

"Who do you think cut off my fingers?" John asks. "Katherine was posing as Elena. I think she kissed Aiden, posing as Elena, too. She cut off my fingers and stabbed me in the stomach."

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