029: Masqurade

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Blake gives a shaken Caroline a glass of blood. "Here."

"I'm stil, shaking," Caroline claims and she takes a sip of the blood.

Stefan enteres witht he cargo sling and baby John, he wanted some bonding time. "What happened?" He asks.

"Go ahead, tell him," Aiden urges the blonde. "You're gonna love this."

"I saw Katherine today," Caroline tells Stefan.

"Where?" Stefan asks as he places a hand gently on the back of John's head.

"At the Grill," Caroline replies. "I just stopped by to dawn and... quasi-stalk Matt, then I had to pretend to use the bathroom even though I didn't really have to go, because I'm a doofus."

"She warns to do it in public," Stefan concludes, he looks like a real dad in the cargo sling. "Killing Mason threw her off guard."

"She's running scared," Damon says from beside Blake on the couch. "What she did to Jenna was desperate. She's out of tricks,"

"We can't underestimate her," Stevan says as he walks around to keep John happy. "We have to play this smarter than her."

"Can we just five her the moonstone so she'll leave?" Caroline asks as Monique and Tanya walk in; Monique and Tanya are officially a couple.

"No, Katherine's not getting dick," Aiden grumbles as he paces. "I've had it. I'm gonna go to the masquerade ball and I'm gonna kill her, tonight."

"You're not going to kill her," Stefan says as he stops walking, baby John is sleeping soundlessly.

"Don't give me that goody-goody Crap," Aiden growls.

"You're not going to kill her," Stefan repeats.

"Really?" Damon asks, raising America's eyebrow.

"Because I am."

Blake is sitting on the couch watching as baby John lays on a flufflt blanket Damon brought down from his bedroom when someone rings the doorbell. Caroline gets up from the floor where she was making silly faces at baby John, and she flashes to open it. That's when Tanya sits on Monique's lap. Blake is bringing baby John as her date to the masquerade ball tonight.

Bonnie walks into the room with the grimoire in hand and she spots Alaric's weapon's on the table behind the couch. She looks down at baby John, she smiles, but she looks at the weapons again.

"What's going on?" Bonnie asks.

Jeremy walks in the room, catching her by surprise. "We're gonna kill Katherine," he says simply.

"I can explain," Stefan claims.

"Please," Bonnie pleads.

"We're gonna kill Katherine."

Alaric picks up a wrist weapon. "This works with compressed air. The trigger mechanism is up here." He shoes the brothers the trigger, Stefan and Aiden. "I have reo of these in a different size. For you, I recommend this. It fits nicely under the jacket sleeve. You use the trigger when you're ready." He demonstrates how to kill a vampire with the thing, Stefan and Aiden look at one another. "You wanted me to show you how to kill a vampire."

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