044: John's letter to Blake

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Blake sits in her room and on her bed, holding the envelope that holds the letter her now dead brother wrote for her. A tear leaves her eye as she opens the envelope, and pulls the folded piece of paper out of it. A dying Aiden peaks in but he leaves her so she can read John's letter to her in privacy, making sure he closes her door.

My dearest Blake Augustine,

        This is where I say goodbye, for it is my end. Just know, I found peace. I am doing this to save my daughter, to keep her from turning into a vampire. I would have done this for you, too, if I had known.
          You should honor this, my reasoning for leaving you. You have a son, my little nephew, another John Gilbert. John Gilbert the III. You would do the exact thing for him, find yourself peace knowing you had saved your son from death, from vampirism, for many, many more things.
         Just know that you are never alone. You are not alone. Damon Salvatore loves you, and not just as a friend. That vampire is in love with you, Augustine. I wish I could've told you this while alive, but I wasn't allowed. No one would let me. Aiden knows, Elena, Caroline, Jenna even knew. It was obvious to everyone BUT you.
           My one last wish for you, my darling sister, is to go and get Damon, be happy and in love with the guy who also became your son's parent. Let Damon love you, Blake.

I loved you until until I took my final breath, sister.

With much love,
Johnathan 'John' Gilbert II.

Blake walks out of her room and she looks at Damon. "Is it true?"

Damon looks at the teary eyed Blake. "Is what true?"

"That you love me," Blake says as she holds the unfolded letter. "That you're in love with me. Damon, is this true?"

Damon stares at Blake for a while before he sighs, there's no point in denying at this point - John had told her in his final letter.

"Yes, Blake," Damon replies finally, "it's true. I'm in love with you."

Blake whimpers as she flashes over and she smashes her lips onto his. Damon is momentarily stunned before he places his hands on Blake's face, and kisses her back as he stands. The fireworks inside are first thing know as the kiss goes on until Blake pulls away.

"Here," Blake says and she hands Damon John's letter. "Read it."

Damon sits on his large bed and Blake sits beside him. He opens the letter, and reads it while Blake snuggles up to his side. Damon holds the piece of paper with one hand with his other arm wrapped around Blake, he's been wanting to hold her in his arms for a long time now. He kisses her head.

"Let's be together," Damon says as he finishes the letter. "Do what your brother wanted; you get the guy, your baby... A family, and happiness."

Blake nods. "Let's be together."

Damon tilts Blake's head up and he kisses her.

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