022: Founder's Day

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"Hey, Blake," Matt greets the woman after he takes a picture with Caroline. "Thanks for taking me to the hospital."

"No problem," Blake replies. "I think this might be a nice event."

Blake heads on toward the main part of the parking lot where the floats are now parading. She walks through town and sees them. Carol Lockwood is commentating. Blake smiles as Alaric's float goes by. His students are re-enacting Virginia's battle of Willow creek. Jeremy is on it, he waves broadly at Blake, who waves just as broadly back. Tyler is on there, too. Tyler and Jeremy wave at the rest of the crowd and they the pretend to shoot each other.

"Go Jeremy!" Blake yells over everyone and Jeremy blushes - Jeremy knows she's a vampire but he understands why she didn't tell him.

"Ladies amd gentlemen's, please welcome our stunning Miss Mystic Falls Court amd their handsome escorts," Carol announces.

Caroline and Matt are in the front of the float and then there's Elena and Stefan.

"This is Caroline Forbes, Miss Mystic Falls," Carol introduces. "Aren't they beautiful?"

Blake wolf whistles at Elena and Stefan and she stays by herself in the crowd. Aiden and Damon are attempting to talk to Bonnie. The football team's float moves by soon enough and then the cheerleaders after that.

Damon grabs Blake by the ark that night, nearing the fireworks and drags her to graysons old office. Blake is tense. John is preparing the device. John's eyes widen at Blake's

"Do you have any idea what you've done?" Damon asks.

"Yeah, as a matter of fact I do."

When Damon goes toward him, John activates the device. Both Damon and Blake go down. Blake's screaming breaks John's heart. They inject Damon with vervain.

"No, not her," John says. "It's pointless. She ingests it. And no one, and I mean no one, touches my baby sister."

John simply twists Blake's neck, knocking her out when Damon's out. He drags her behind the desk thing where she spent a lot of time at as a kid and he helps get vampries to the basement. Beforee they start the fire, John is going to get Blake out of Grayson's office.

John pours gasoline as him and the police leave the basement and he throws the match down. He closes the door and he picks up his siter, and he leaves the office of Grayson Gilbert.

Elena and Stefan walk up to John, who is carrying Blake.

"Where's Damon and Aiden?" Elena asks.

"With the rest of them, as he should be," John replies as he struggles with Blake's weight. "It's over for both Damon and Aiden."

"You're crazy!" Elena demands.

"Why?" John challenges her. "Because I'm doing what should have been done a hundred and forty-five years ago? What would've kept my baby sister human? This is the right thing, Elena."

Stefan looks at graysons office building, he smells the smoke.

"Go ahead, you won't make it out alive," John says. "It'll sabe me the trouble of killing you myself."

Stefan looks af Elena. "You know the building well, is there another way? I'd ask Blake, but..."

Elena looks at her aunt and friend. "Utility door, there's one around the side."

He goes toward the building as John throws Blake over his shoulder. Elena goes to follow her boyfriend but John catches her arm.

"You take one more step and I'll alert that they missed a vampire," John threatens. "And it won't be my sister."

"I'm asking you or to," Elena pleads.

"That doesn't mean anything to me,"John claims.

"As my father, it should," Elena says.

There is a long pause as the pair look at each other before John replies; "you know."

"I wasn't sure, now I am." She looks at John once more. "And don't kill Blake, she's the only one on dad's side I like." She then goes toward the yielding.

John brings Blake home to the boarding house where William is waiting impatiently. Stefan called him.

"I'm sorry," John says. "I had to keep my sister safe from the fire in the basement."

William nods and he takes her. "Thanks for bring her back alive... ish."

John nods and he walks out.

Blake wakes up with a creak in her neck and she goes downstairs. And the sight before her makes Blake scream in horror. Aiden comes flashing in as he was right outside.

Before them is William's body, desiccated and a stake through his heart.

Blake lets out a pain filled sob as she falls to her knees. Aiden is quick to pull her into a very tight hug, and he lets her cry. The only sound in the house are Blake's sobs as she stares helplessly at her dead fiancée's body.

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