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Soobin POV

"Do you want to come to a party with me tonight?" Beomgyu asked.

"Um, sure. But my dad will get mad at me." I said barely looking up from my phone.

"Alright, it's at 8pm until whenever you want to leave. And it's at Yeonjun's house." He said.

"Okay cool." I said.

"I think Yeonjun likes you." Beomgyu said.

I choked.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine." I said while blushing. Did Yeonjun really like me?

"Do you like him or something?" Beomgyu asked.

"No, it's just that you just told me my sworn enemy likes me." I said.

"Oh, right." He replied.

"Well, I'll see you at 8?" I asked.

"Yeah, and I'm bringing Taehyun." He said.

"Well why would your boyfriend let you go to a party without him? You know what happens when you get drunk." I said.

"Yeah, I know. I drink a lot and then wake up the next morning in a bed next to someone." He said.

"At least you'll wake up next to Taehyun this time." I said.

"Stop it. And Taehyun and I have never done anything like that before. He's an innocent child. He doesn't even drink." He said.

"Whatever just get out of my house before my dad gets home." I said.

"Alright, I'm leaving." He said.

"I know that you're not gonna leave until I tell you that I love you." I said.

"You're right." He said.

"Well then, I love you. Platonically." I said.

"Love you too. Now bye." He said and left my room.

~skip to le party~

I pulled up in front of Yeonjun's house in my car. Which also had Beomgyu and Taehyun in it.

We were about an hour late so a lot of people were already there.

We all got out and stared at the mansion for a couple seconds before walking up the walkway.

The second we walked in we saw a ton of drunk people and it strongly smelled of alcohol.

I knew that I was going to get really drunk that night. I mean, I can only drink 2 beers before I'm out of my mind.

And when I'm drunk I tend to be very... aggressive. Not really rude, just aggressive.

I entered the kitchen and got a beer from the cooler. There were only a couple people in there but I saw one in particular that stood out.


He walked towards me. I tried to leave the kitchen but I felt him grab my arm.

He was definitely drunk.

"Hi Yeonjun." I said.

"Hi... Soobin." He said slowly.

Let me explain why Yeonjun and I are enemies. So, about a year ago he betrayed me. He used to be my best friend. But then, he just had to start being a bitch. Only thinking about himself and bragging about how rich he was. And then he cheated on Taehyun with Beomgyu, that's how they met each other. They were both victims of Yeonjun's stupidity.

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